The Varshik
Hawan was this time performed on 11-12 March at Kashyap Bhawan. Since last
year, the Hawan is being performed in the Bhawan premises itself
as the adjoining ground has been dug for construction. The cement flooring
of the Bhawan grounds had smoothened the Hawan Mandap area. Hawan, this
year has been as well attended as in the past, inspite of pre-poning of
children's examination.
The Mandap
was well-decorated and the Mantras by our Guruji were supported by collective
recitation of Mr. Manwati and Mrs. Dhar - an excellent recital of Sanskrit
served was prepared with cooking help from Jammu. This year Naveed was
served well in time as the Puran Ahuti was held earlier than in the past.
If this trend continues, which we hope it will, the late comers in future
may have to change their time schedule.
The Hawan
collections were all time high. The biradari not only affirmed their faith
in our spiritual heritage by their presence, but also by making good donations.
This year the
Annual Cultural Nite and the fund raising function was held on 16th March,
2002 at Rangsharda auditorium. This year's special attraction was a singing
session by the well known Kashmiri Singer Shri Rajinder Kachroo. His rendition
of Kashmiri Bhajans and Gazals enthralled the audience. The only lacunae
was that the audience wanted more but his cramped legs could continue no
more. The audience was reluctant to leave, their thirst for music
not having sufficiently quenched.
The occasion
started with Kashmiri rendering of songs by our youngsters who had won
prizes in this year Mohan Lal Aima Music Award. The way these children
sang their piece, gave us hope that our future generations shall not only
indulge in music but not allow our language Kashmiri to die. These children
are those born and brought up in Mumbai. They hardly speak Kashmiri. But
their pronunciation in singing was often impeccable. This singing gave
them confidence in using Kashmiri in day-to-day life.
was followed by presentation of Mohanlal Aima Music Awards, Zaan-2001 Awards
and the Life Time Contribution Award. The Life Time Contribution Award
was given to Shri J. L. Kasid for his dedicated service to the Mumbai Biradari
over the last four decades (Citation is printed elsewhere). He thanked
the Biradari in his acceptance remark and pointed out what the Biradari
had gone through in his days.
We had
the honour of having Shri Amarnath Vaishnavi, the President of Yuvak Sabha
and an undisputed leader of the KPs, on this occasion. He was presented
a bouquet among loud applause.
year as usual everybody was looking for the skit by our youth. This time
it was a parody on cricket match of Lagaan. Of course the setting here
was KPs of Aurangzeb era, fighting for their right to live through cricket.
The humour was overpowering that the whole hall was in cries of laughter.
Yet the underlying theme did not go unnoticed. For blending fact and fiction
in a cohesive whole, and in a very short time, credit goes to Sanjeev Kaul
and his team of twenty Kashmiri amateurs. The whole program was blended
by Mr. P. N. Wali,the program committee chairman.
Movie - “BUB”
The preview
of Kashmiri film -”BUB” was held at the preview theatre - Nehru Centre.
To those few who attended , it was a great experience. Few films with ‘Kashmir
violence’ as a theme have come up during the last few years. None could
draw a realistic picture that the film “BUB” has succeeded in doing. It
is no wonder that it is stated to be based on true incidents. And realistic
it is. It sometimes becomes difficult to make realism artistic but the
creator of the film Jyoti Sarup
has succeeded in both these areas.

I think
it is the third film in Kashmiri, since Manziraat in the early fifties
and Mahjoor in
the sixties. The dialogues are authentic and crisp. No under or over play.
The credit for the plot and script goes to Jyoti’s sister, Pamposh Bhat.
The music for a change is authentic Kashmiri, by Bhajan
Sopori. The lyrics are superb and so are singers' voices, especially
Malla, Kailash
Mehra & Gul Akhter.
The actors,
are almost all Kashmiri. Mr. K.K.Raina, whose character runs throughout
the movie, has done an excellent job. The young Kuber Sarup, 14 years old,
does a very superb restrained part. Mr. Virendra Razdan has a special role
of a person both naive and manipulative.
The film
has English sub-titles (thanks to Shri J.L.Manwati). This will enable the
exhibition of the movie in the non-Kashmiri areas as well. I hope we get
to view it in Mumbai. It is being released in J&K in July and Music
will be released by T - Series. It is a must for all the KPs, if not those
friends who evince interest in Kashmir and also regional cinema. Kudos
to Jyoti Sarup.
Pandit Food
Kashmiri food
has been talked about for a long time in India and abroad. But it is mostly
the Kashmiri Muslim non-vegetarian food. Not much is said about Kashmiri
Pandit food, which has an identity of its own - but usually not known outside.
Maratha - a few star hotel if ITC chain in Mumbai made a special effort
to have a week long Kashmiri Pandit Food Festival. It was a great success
(although understandably only a few Kashmiris visited it).
spirit behind the whole program was the dynamic personality of Siddharth Kak. Cooks from Jammu were brought and trained to cook in five star ambience.
The fair was full in terms of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian variety.
You could find Gogji Razmah, Nadhery Churma, Chok Vangun besides the usual
Rogan Josh, Kalia, Yakhni, Kababrgah, Chok Charvan, Chaman, Damaloo, Monjhi
etc. A great effort to cook them all in Mumbai with local supplies. Although
Masala’s were brought from Jammu. Om Takoo, our food specialist lent his
hand to a considerable extent. Of course the credit goes to Mr.Haksar,
the General Manager of the Hotel, who took this bold step.
Pandit identity receives another support with Kashmiri Pandit Food Festival
- for food is an essential part of our cultural life.