January-March 2002 issue
Mr Sameep Padora
(S/o Mr. Maharaj & Mrs. Neelu Padora of Bandra, Mumbai) was recently
awarded ‘Innovative designer of the year 2001’ by the Architecture + design
magazine in conjunction with the National Journal of Architecture and sponsors
Spectrum Paints at a ceremony at the Oberoi Hotel, New Delhi. He was bestowed
this award on the 5th of January 2002 by the ex. Prime Minister of India,
Mr. I.K.Gujral at a ceremony in New Delhi. This prestigious award also
includes a cash prize, a trophy and plaque that were presented to Architect
Sameep Padora by the H’able Union Minister of Labour, Mr. Sharad Yadav
and renowned architect Mr. B.V.Doshi.
Sameep Padora has also won other awards for his architectural ingenuity.
His work has been published in various national periodicals of architecture
and interiors. He has also presented his works at the Young Architects’
Forum, a part of Urban Development Research Institute (UDRI), Mumbai.
Awards for
the Best Documentary Films / Videos in various categories were given away
at Mumbai on 9th Feb. 2002 by the Mumbai International Film Festival
(MIFF). Shri Ajay Raina won the Golden Conch for best documentary in the
national category for his film 'Tell Them, The Tree They Had Planted Has
Now Grown'. The Award presented by national jury, chaired by Canadian Director
Peter Wintonic, also carried a cash prize of Rs. 1.50 Lacs.
Shri P. N.
Khar of Nerul was Nominated as Advisor to All India Confederation of Senior
Citizens Organisations, (AISCCON) on 28.12.01 at Shrirampur Dist. Ahmed
Nagar. He is also a Patron & Life Member of the All India Confederation
of Pensioners, New Delhi and an Honorary Consultant for Central, All States
Pensioners and Family Pensioners. Shri Khar has offered free services to
Biradari members.
Visthapit Seva Samiti, Bangalore.
According to
a press release, the Samiti, observed 12th Holocaust Day under the chairmanship
of Pradhan Shri A.K.Ticko, who reminded the gathering about the significance
of Nishkasan Day (horrifying night of 19th January 1990). How Pak sponsored
terrorists captured mosques, exhorting people to fight jehad against India,
thus exploiting religious sentiments of majority community through public
address system. Since this day, process of excesses/atrocities were accelerated
overtly or covertly to eliminate Kashmiri Pandits, which resulted in their
mass exodus. Today this community is in the 12th year of exile, neglected,
hurt and slowly but surely perishing.
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