
is the consolidated volume of the Information Digest
issued by the Trust. It includes, besides
additional items, the Information contained in the three
earlier issues with suitable revisions and additions.
The consolidated volume shall not only be of
interest to those who missed the earlier issues, but
also help youngsters who are desirous of
participating in the forthcoming ZAAN Quiz.
The purpose of the
Digest is to familiarize our young and not so young
members of the community who are not already
exposed to various facets of the place of our
origin - Kashmir, its history, geography, culture etc.
In short, all that a Kashmiri stands for. It
is hoped that it will be a pointer to the whole arena
of Kashmir and thus create an urge among the readers to
study the topics in greater detail, for which a
plethora of literature is available. If it initiates
people into further study, the purpose of the Digest is
The Trust envisages
issue of more volumes of the Digest in future, in order
to enlarge the span of topics covered and also
enhance the content under the topics already
included. The compilers do not claim infallibility and
would therefore invite comments for any change and
improvement. This is a community project,
therefore, assistance and suggestions from every member
of the community are welcome.
The Digest tries to
focus on matters which make us, as a community, unique.
The understanding of the uniqueness fosters sense
of identity. And reinforcing the identity is our
J. N. Kachroo,
J. L. Manwati,
P. N. Wali,
M.K. Raina &
Neelam Trakru