July-September 2001 Issue
Balidhan Divas
by Krakal
Krakal has always believed strongly in observing
in Balidhan Divas every year and make as much 'krak' as possible on this
occasion. It is not necessarily only to arouse the natural conscience, but to
rekindle the spirit of their community feeling within. The recollection of
persecution touches human feelings the most. Shias who lost 75 people in Karbala
many centuries back are an example of how remembering persecution binds them
even today.
KP's started observing this day
with lot of passion for some years. We did it at Mumbai. Then for a few years we
forgot about it. It is encouraging that the faction of Pannun Kashmir active in
Mumbai has again started observing it since the last two or three years. This
year it was done at Juhu Beach on the afternoon of 14th September, 2001. The
crowd looked good as the place is often hustling with onlookers at this time of
the day. There were a number of youngsters with big and bold posters and an OB
Van in attendance. A sort of street play was on with the youngsters wearing 'Pherans'
and holding mock 'AK-47' in their hands. One of the onlookers who sat by my side
enquired from me the name of the movie for which the shooting was going on. I
explained, it is no film shooting but a protest demonstration. The presence of
film personalities like Mahesh Bhatt and some T.V. Artistes with video camera's
on, completed the illusion.
My mind at this stage started
comparing the scene at such meetings with those held in the earlier years. There
was obviously more drama to the scene now as compared to feeling in early years,
when the functions often ended with a march from Churchgate to V.T. Now it is
more professionally handled than the earlier amateurish spontaneity. Earlier it
was an all KP affair. Now there was a small smattering of KP, young and old.
Posters and banners were now more expensively and professionally made and
displayed. You can appreciate the visual effect now achieved from the fact that
Times of India next day carried two big photographs of the proceedings but did
not find few quarter centimeters to report the event.
The unconcern displayed by the
community itself may not be confined to Mumbai alone. It is perhaps for this
reason that the Kashmiri Samiti, Delhi and Yuvak Sabha, Jammu both decided to
say it with a Hawan. KP's are easily attracted to a Hawan than other events.
I pray that the event be not
forgotten by the community. Let it serve to reinforce our feelings which we
harbour on losing our birth place. Let us participate without worrying which
group or individual is leading the function.
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