July-September 2001 Issue
Report 2000-2001
by S. Kachroo
Hon. General Secretary
It gives me immense pleasure to report
to you about the activities of KPA for the third consecutive year.
I must place on record my thanks to the members of the Biradari and my
other colleagues of the Board of Trustees for this opportunity.
No organisation, be it a
Trust or a Body can deliver result unless each member contributes towards
its success with sincerity and dedication. The working of KPA and the Board
of Trustees is an example of achievement through team work and constant
support from all the members. The Biradari members are due for special
thanks from all of us for the trust and faith they have shown in the present
team of Trustees.
The year 2000-2001 started
with the elections for the new Board of Trustees as per the constitution
of KPA. Holding elections is the best method that any civilized society
adopts for conducting such matters. Bitterness, if any, that may get generated
during the election time is forgotten once the process is over. This behavior
reflects the maturity and wisdom of all. I take privilege in reporting
to you that all the members of the KPA have shown exemplary maturity while
holding the first ever election to the Board of Trustees of KPA.
Though, all the activities
of the KPA get mentioned in the “Milchar” and I am sure you all are aware
about things but, at the same time it happens to be my duty to report the
activities of the Association.:
During the year 11 meetings
of the Board of Trustees were held.
1. Milchar. This lifeline of KPA has been growing in size, circulation
and contribution from the readers. All the issues were released on time.
We have now an Editorial Board to regulate and improve the quality of this
periodical. Mr. P. N. Wali while agreeing to chair the Editorial Board
has an able team comprising Shri J. N. Kachroo (ex-Principal, National
High School), Mr. Onkar Aima, Mr. M. K. Raina and Mrs. Basanti Raina to
help and guide.
We have requested all the
Biradari members to send us subscription @ Rs. 100/- per year for this,
as it is becoming increasingly difficult for the KPA to meet the expenses
of the “Milchar” without the support from the Biradari. I am happy to announce
that many members have already sent us contribution at enhanced rates.
We will ensure that this lifeline not only remains active but is also kept
healthy and at the same time is made meaningfully purposeful.
2. Cultural Activities. This year too, like the past, we had
a houseful night on the 24th March 2001 at Ranga Sharda, which was well
organised under the convenership of Mr. S. P. Kachroo. The Board of Trustees
consciously has been trying to promote Kashmiri language and our culture
through this program. While keeping this as the guiding principle we focussed
our efforts to encourage local talent by giving them an opportunity to
perform on the stage. The young team of students that took part in the
skit and the songs could definitely be called as finding of the season.
These youngsters blended themselves very well with the experienced artists
who where seen on the stage and need no mention.
This time the souvenir was
brought out on the same day. The souvenir itself was designed to keep our
heritage alive. We received Rs.163000.00 as contribution for the souvenir
on this occasion. I would be failing in my duty, if I do not bring to your
attention that due to Mr. J. L. Kak’s intervention we got almost 50% discount
on the Hall rentals. We thank the individuals and the corporates who put
up advertisements in the souvenir.
‘Life-time Contribution Award’ for the year 200-2001 was awarded top
Shri Ramji Sabni, the reverend Guruji of the community. The recommendation
of the ‘Samman Committee’ in nominating Shri Sabni for the said Award,
was well received by the biradari.
Mohan Lal Aima Music Award
(MAMA) entered its third year with a better participation this year. We
still have a long distance to go and we need a better response from all
of you to make this as an important event of the KPA calender. This year,
the Sponsor of the Award had added one more prize of Rs. 500.00 each for
the third placement in both male and female category. This year, the award
for the first place (Rs. 2000.00) was bagged by Guneet Dhar, second prize
(Rs. 1000.00) by Rishi Bradoo and third prize (Rs. 500.00) by Vivek Wali
in the male category. In the female category, the first prize was won by
Megha Tikoo, second prize by Diksha Kaul and the third prize by Garvi Dhar.
The Annual Get-together of
14th February at Kashyap Bhawan was the usual big event of the year. About
1000 people attended. The committee members under the chairmanship of Dr.
R. Thusoo had pre-planned the details meticulously resulting in a wonderfully
memorable day. We received a net donation of Rs. 1.00 lac. on that day
A Cultural Get-together on
the occasion of Diwali, Navreh the Annual Picnic to Arnala beach, were
attended by a large number of Biradari members. Events like these would
ensure better one to one contact and act as a binding force to keep us
3. Educational Activities. As reported last year, KPA with Lalla-Ded
Educational and Welfare Trust took upon itself conducting and organizing
the ‘Project Zaan’- an ambitious Project to educate the young and not so
young members of the Biradari about History, Culture, Geography about our
motherland. Based on the Information Digests painfully tailored by a team
headed by Mr. J. N. Kachroo (ex-Principal) with the assistance and help
of Mr. M. K. Raina, a ‘Quiz Contest’ was conducted on 30th April at Kashyap
Bhawan. All the participants had come prepared with all the seriousness
for the program. The young master Vivek Wali replying each and every
question and winning applause from the audience was the high point of the
day. This we feel, is a small beginning in the right direction that will
keep the torch burning for future generations to follow.
Besides, compiling and distributing
Information Digest (Volume 2) - a monumental work under the said ‘Project
Zaan’ this year, was releasing of ‘Basic Reader for Kashmiri Language’
(Volume 3), which was well received by the community.
4. Release of Biradari Directory 2000. An updated directory of
the biradari was released in September 2000 which incorporates the detailed
information of about 750 members of the biradari.
5. Life Membership Cards. Life Membership Cards were for the
first time issued for identification of life members of the Kashmiri Pandits’
Association. The job was undertaken free of cost by M/s Impressions, Vasai. Those members who have not yet been issued the said cards,
are requested to send their bio-data along with the photographs to Kashyap
Bhawan for issuance of the same.
6. Admission to Professional Colleges. KPA has over the years,
become a nodal agency for the admission of migrant students to various
professional colleges in Maharashtra. Besides procuring admission forms
for various streams as requisitioned by Kashmiri Samiti Delhi and Kashmiri
Pandit Sabha Jammu, the KPA has been making arrangements for the stay of
the students and their parents who come to Mumbai for the counselling process.
Last year, arrangements were made by KPA for housing nearly 1500 people
at various places in Mumbai on nominal charges.
7. Medical and Relief Measures. KPA distributed Rs. 25000/- to
the needy patients for their treatment. Residential accommodation at Kashyap
Bhawan remained occupied for about 10 months with the patients and their
family members, who came to Mumbai for treatment in the last year. KPA
has been rendering this facility to all those community members who come
to Mumbai for treatment. This service has been well appreciated by the
8. Kashyap Bhawan Hall. As you would see from the enclosed statement
of accounts we have earned Rs. 1,14,700.00 revenue from the Hall and Rs.
14,400.00 on account of hiring of chairs. With this, we have already recovered
the cost of the chairs in less than two years time. The hall, as you would
notice, needs some maintenance, which hopefully will be taken up after
the monsoon.
9. Financial Position of KPA. The financial position of KPA would
be evident from the enclosed audited balance sheet.
Increased F.D’s from Rs.961007.00 to Rs. 1114007.00.
On expenditure side, you would notice an increase of expenditures on printing,
postage etc. This is mainly due to the increased volume of Milchar, increase
in its circulation, hike in the cost of postage and release of a
new biradari directory.
10. Life Members. With the admission of 91 new life members
during the year, KPA has 496 Life Members now.
Had it not been for the spontaneous
response of the Biradari, we would have not been able to achieve these
results. We draw our strength from you all members and look forward for
productive activities during the coming years.
Kashmiri Pandits' Association, Mumbai
Income & Expenditure Account
for the year ended 31 March 2001
Previous Year |
Income |
Current Year |
1,48,381.00 |
By Hall Rent Received |
1,14,700.00 |
12,705.00 |
By Chairs Rent Received |
14,400.00 |
34,500.00 |
By Donation |
Nil |
Nil |
By Advertisement Received |
1,88,400.00 |
Nil |
By Annual Function Contribution |
1,00,842.00 |
7,341.00 |
By Milchar Subscription |
12,483.00 |
Nil |
By Misc. Receipts |
5,700.00 |
4,067.00 |
By Bank Interest on SB A/c |
5,889.00 |
48,157.00 |
By Bank Interest on FD A/c |
43,157.00 |
30,707.00 |
By Bank Interest on FD A/c Medical |
14,325.00 |
5,233.95 |
By Dividend from UTI |
5,330.00 |
36,300.00 |
By Dividend on SBI Mutual Fund |
13,500.00 |
3,27,391.00 |
Total |
5,18,726.88 |
Previous Year |
Income |
Current Year |
36,750.00 |
To Salary |
31,800.00 |
60,907.00 |
To Society Maintenance Charges |
67,703 |
88,944.00 |
To Cultural Activity Expenses |
1,05,308.00 |
Nil |
To Jammu Kashmir Samiti Expenses |
15,375.00 |
48,467.00 |
To Printing & Stationery |
1,20,380.00 |
2,795.00 |
To Conveyance Expenses |
3,153.00 |
21,494.00 |
To Postage & Courier Expenses |
23,685.00 |
7,283.00 |
To Telephone Expenses |
8,689.00 |
1,968.00 |
To Repairs & Maintenance |
2,814.00 |
1,018.00 |
To Meeting Expenses |
3,388.00 |
3,172.00 |
To Office & General Expenses |
7,199.00 |
8,378.00 |
To Electricity Charges |
16,754.00 |
5,000.00 |
To Donation |
Nil |
245.00 |
To Bank Charges |
496.00 |
7,000.00 |
To Professional & Audit Fee |
7,350.00 |
15,000.00 |
To Relief Expenses/ Medical |
25,000.00 |
14,604.00 |
To Depreciation |
18,269.00 |
4,366.95 |
To Excess of Income over Expenditure transfered to Income & Expenditure
A/c |
61,363.88 |
3,27,391.95 |
Total |
5,18,726.88 |
Mumbai 19.06.2001 |
For Shailesh Gandhi & Co.
Shailesh Gandhi
Chartered Accountant |
For Kashmiri Pandits' Association
President Secretary
Treasurer |
Kashmiri Pandits' Association, Mumbai
Balance Sheet as at 31st March
Previous Year |
Liabilities |
Sch. |
Current Year |
4,36,385.00 |
Trust Fund |
A |
4,96,852.00 |
29,87,571.00 |
Reserves & Surplus |
B |
30,05,840.00 |
10,340.00 |
Expenses Payable |
C |
12,190.00 |
34,34,296.00 |
Total |
35,14,882.00 |
Previous Year |
Liabilities |
Sch. |
Current Year |
11,38,227.00 |
Fixed Assets (At Cost) |
D |
11,38,227.00 |
9,61,007.00 |
Investments |
E |
11,41,007.00 |
34,34,296.00 |
Total |
35,14,882.00 |
Current Assets, Loans & Advances
Previous Year |
Liabilities |
Sch. |
Current Year |
2,04,673.28 |
Cash & Bank Balances |
F |
1,66,623.16 |
13,835.00 |
Loans, Advances & Deposits |
G |
13,835.00 |
11,16,553.72 |
Income & Expenditure A/c |
H |
10,55,189.84 |
34,34,296.00 |
Total |
35,14,882.00 |
Mumbai 19.06.2001 |
For Shailesh Gandhi & Co.
Shailesh Gandhi
Chartered Accountant |
For Kashmiri Pandits' Association
President Secretary
Treasurer |
| |