March-April 2004 issue
of the Vinod Sur Shringar Music Academy
at the Annual Cultural Nite at Rang Sharda, Bandra
› Thanks for your e-mail informing me about the receipt of my write up on Kashmiri script. I am aware that you have laboured a lot to develop a Roman script for Kashmiri language. I have even read your Kashmiri Reader which gives both the scripts developed through hard labour. I fully appreciate it. This is a real work of permanence.
My idea was to popularise the Roman script so as to make it useful for external consumption as well. Only this script will bring us closer to the western developed societies and will open us to them. That is of much importance. I am somehow aware of the climate in literary and other circles in the west and I say this with some background knowledge. But I do not at all mean to underplay the Hindi/Sharada scripts. For domestic consumption, these are essential. Core literature produced by future generations may be in that script as it is going to be a scientific one in any case. But then to acquaint the wide world with what we are producing in terms of prose, poetry, historiography, general literature, biographies and other materials, we shall need a strong reflection of Roman script.
Thanks once again for a wonderful job you are doing. It is a pleasure to be associated with the Project Zaan.
K.N.Pandita, Delhi
› I wish your Annual Function a grand success. May KPA, Mumbai keep it up and serve as a role model for all the other community organisations in India and abroad. Having given ourselves sound basics, I am sure, we can do it for the overall welfare of our community. I miss my physical participation in the deliberations, but I am mentally with you.
Dr. N.L.Zutshi
› I remain beholden to you and the Kashmiri Pandits' Association for the honour bestowed upon me and my family. The (Annual Cultural Nite) function was very well organised and conducted with élan. It was personally a great opportunity for me to meet you all.
Major General T.K.Kaul AVSM, VSM
General Officer Commanding
› My name is Anil Dhar and I work as a Regional Head - Corporate Relations with a Bank. I was excited to see a website like Zaan and everytime when I sit on my PC at my residence, I just keep on going through the details of our origination so that I can explain it to my children who are Kashmiri Pandits. After the migration, didn’t get any time to Kashmiriat...struggling...working late hours till 1am -2 am, had literally forgotten who am I. We have become like machines. Thanks a ton for providing a wonderful website which is really a big boon for our younger generation (I am 35yrs old). I still need to go through lots of valuable info which is in ur website.
Anil Dhar via e-mail
› At the outset, I would like to point out the 'printer's devil' in naming and spelling the Trust and the Awards scheme in the last few issues of Milchar. Please note the correct forms for future use:
i) Smt. Susheela Dhar Charitable Trust
ii) Susheela Dhar Educational Awards.
As already intimated, the 'Awards' scheme was extended this year to the schools at Purkhoo and Mishriwalla Camps, besides those at Roop Nagar (Muthi Camp) and Nagrota Camp, which have been beneficiaries of the scheme for the last three years.
At the awards distribution function held in the respective school compounds, students, teachers and other staff members turned up in force. Parents of the Awardees and several other Camp dwellers also participated. The Awards comprised a modest sum of money and a Certificate of Merit. This year a total of Rs. 14,500.00 was distributed among 15 Awardees in the four schools. Further, I would like to inform you that there was a general demand from the teachers of all the schools as well as some members of the audience, to extend the Awards scheme to lower classes also. During your subsequent visits to Purkhoo and Mishriwala, the same demand seems to have been expressed to you as well, which you were kind enough to discuss with me and indeed you whole heartedly endorsed the same.
The BOT discussed these recommendations recently and the undersigned is happy to inform you that 'Smt. Susheela Dhar Charitable Trust' has now on record a resolution increasing the number of Awardees from 16 to 24, by including Ist rank holders of the 6th and 7th standard examinations in all the four camp schools. Thus for the academic year 2003-04, merit holders of the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th standard examinations will be eligible for the Awards. Lastly, since the Awards scheme was conceived to and aimed at encouraging and recognising 'academic excellence', it seemed appropriate to fix a minimum acceptable percentage of marks as qualifying score, apart from Ist rank holding in the class.
After consultations with you on the telephone, the BOT of 'Smt. Susheela Dhar Charitable Trust' discussed the subject in detail and concluded that our mutually agreed score of 67% should be acceptable as the minimum qualifying score and a resolution was passed to this effect.
Please note that the Trust counts the continued guidance, advice and inspiration of Kashmiri Pandits' Association, Mumbai as its highly cherished and valued asset.
Pali Hill, Bandra, Mumbai
› I have been an avid reader of ‘Kashmir Sentinel’ ever since its inception. I was distressed and upset on going through ‘Focus’ and ‘Interview’ in Kashmir Sentinel. (Feb.1– Feb. 29, 2004)
Defamatory statements such as:
i) That serving the punitive transfer orders to 24 displaced employees in Delhi to report for duty in Srinagar, was as a result of a deal between the AIKS leaders and Mufti Mohammed Sayeed;
ii) That Shri M.K.Kaw was publicly attacking 'Panun Kashmir' only to please Mufti and the separatist leadership;
iii) That Kaw was made Chairman of the Governing Body of the upgraded Engineering College in Srinagar as a part of the same deal;
iv) That Kaw confirms not only its blatant double standards and deceitful behaviour but also the endorsement of Mufti’s proposal for return of Kashmiri Pandits;
v) That AIKS is supervising a process of internal subversion of the community’s struggle;
vi) That the most dangerous aspect of AIKS outlook as underlined by one of its policy documents points to a wider design of legitimizing dilution of Indian sovereignty in Kashmir;
vii) That the non-displaced leadership has been playing a subversive role by facilitating Muslim communal agenda in Kashmir and back-stabbing the community interests from time to time;
viii) That AIKS represents a mind set of ‘Slave drivers’ who relish enslaving their own people for small gains;
ix) That one thing is clear that the large masses of displaced Kashmiri Pandits have discovered AIKS as a coterie of non-displaced Kashmiri Pandits, with no stakes in Kashmir but lot of axe to grind etc. etc.
The accusations are devoid of veracity, uncalled for, ill conceived and malicious. The derogatory references per se are mala fide intent to cause loss of reputation. Needless to state that the contents of both the sections ‘Focus’ and ‘Interview’ are patently false. It is a matter of great shame to fabricate a cleavage between the displaced and the non-displaced KPs. The leaders concerned need to ponder over, as to what signals are they sending to members of the K.P. Biradari, already suffering the privations and desperation of being torn asunder from their roots, by ventilating unfounded, baseless and malicious accusations.
We have always been victims of poisonous attempts at keeping us divided by enemies of our country all through our history. We withstood those onslaughts even though we did suffer privations. But when it happens from within the community, as now, the hurt and damage is worse.
L. C. Kaul
Ex. General Secretary, AIKS
Editor-in-Chief: P. N. Wali. Printed and Published by C.L.Raina for and on behalf of
Kashmiri Pandits’ Association (Regd), Kashyap Bhawan, Plot No: 16, Bhawani Nagar, Marol Maroshi Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 059.
Tel: 28504954.
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