January-February 2004 issue

Vivekananda at Kshir Bhawani, Kashmir
Let Us Take The Responsibility Of Our Actions
... M. L. Kher
After India got independence, Kashmiri Pandit community suffered enormously and lived as unwanted second class citizens in Kashmir. Let us introspect and take some responsibility for this, ourselves.
One of the most unfortunate and painful thing in our community is that we are disunited and hesitate to confess our mistakes and actions done by us and by our so called leaders, both in pre-independence and post-independence periods. We are equally reluctant to express regret and try to make amendments or even simply render a heart felt apology. On the contrary we glorify and justify our actions. An unforgiving, unrepentant nature – whether among individuals, families, communities or nations – is responsible for misunderstanding that leads to unity and selfishness. This applies to our leaderless and rudderless community at present in distress.
We all need to examine our inside where we have gone wrong. For it is almost impossible to change ourselves. If we all decide to do that and rise to the occasion here and now, there will be no need to change anybody else anyway. Another thing that we need to change is our negative attitude to life which leads to anger, jealousy, egoitism and to frustration. A positive attitude will make us grow. We will be able to achieve our goals making our community a better one to live with harmony and unity in the near future.
Unfortunately Kashmiri Pandit Community has been disinherited by the conquerers from time to time. This has fed us to adopt escapiest attitude which is reflected in our social behaviour and a defeated complex in our psyche. The community at the present in exile is required to investigate and reject the selfish and negative approach and find the practical solutions for the future survival with full determination, will and vision.
We have to admit that vast majority of our community after migration are relatively at safe stations, major portions belonging to rural areas continue to be livng in tents and rented houses. Bvut we cannot forget that there are still people in our community though in less number now, scattered in the valley who are braving the barbarities at great risk due to their own compulsions. Yet, we cannot ignore the fact that our progeny are fortunate to be part of the world of opportunities in our country in India and in the wide world where they will not have to face discrimination. We have to think coolly and unitedly about the future of our community. With the material progress we have to think about our spiritual and moral values which we are ignoring by adopting Western style of life leading to extravagancy and alcoholism which will make our community lop-sided in future.
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