June-July 2003 issue
The Natural Ice-Lingam of Shri Amarnathji
from ‘Kashmir’ by Francis Brunel)
Situation Vacant
Wanted A Saviour for World Peace
World today needs a rejuvenation. This will come only
with the revival of great ideals preached in different religions of the
world. For this, extensive rebuilding needs to be initiated to acquire
physical, mental and spiritual awakening. The inspiration for such an
awakening can come from a prophet of peace, for instance someone like Guru
Nanak, Kabir, Sai Baba of Shirdi, Swami Vivekananda, Sufis like Shah Abdul
Latif, Mohi-ud-Din Chisti & Hazrat Nizam-ud-Din Awlia. Lal Ded and
Nund Rishi of Kashmir, and kings like Ashoka and Akbar can bring about a
synthesis of various religions and schools of thought. World today stands
in need of such seers, leaders and social reformers, and men of love,
sympathy and sacrifice. Is there anyone at present who can fulfil the
requirements of a potential saviour? Situation vacant - Wanted a saviour
for world peace!
In every holy scripture of the world, appearance of the
'Promised Redeemer' are fore-told. Hindus are promised the return of Lord
Vishnu as the Kalki Avatar. Amitabha, the fifth Buddha, is to appear for
the Buddhists. Zoroastrians await their twin manifestation 'Hooshidar' and
'Shah Bahran'. Jews anticipate the advent of the Messiah. Christians
world-wide yearn for the return of Jesus in the 'Glory of the Father'.
Devout Muslims look forward to the appearance of Imam Mehdi. Amidst the
spiritual stirrings of the nineteenth century and the expectations of an
imminent appearance of manifestation of God for that age was born
Bahu-Ullaha, son of an Iranian nobleman who declared he was the 'Promised
one' and preached for peace in the world.
The main purpose of the coming of the 'Promised one' is
to usher in an era of peace to establish the kingdom of God on this
troubled earth and mankind to unite all castes and creeds in a 'Vasudheva
Kutumbhakam' or 'Entire world a family'. That single manifestation would
be recognised as Kalki Avatar of the Hindus, Amitabha of the Buddhists,
Shah Bharau of the Zoorastrans and so on and be universally accepted as a
sole redeemer of the entire human race. This is the only way that such
kingdom of God can be realised and established on earth. World-wide social
development can bring within the grasp of mankind, the peace and unity of
its dreams. Only a spiritual awakening and investment and not material
development can enable the troubled world to take that step. Alas! The
present religious preachers of the world like the present so-called
political leaders of the world are posers only.
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