October-December 2002 issue
House Boats on Dal
Lake in Srinagar. Credit for introducing
House Boats in Kashmir goes to Pt. Narain Das, father of Swami Laxman ji.
The Sun
Distance from Earth: 14,96,00000 Kms.
Approx: Diameter: 13,92,000 Kms.
Approx: Circumference: 43,73,000 Kms.
Mass: 2 billion billion billionTonnes.
Mass in terms of Earth: 3,30,000 times
Rotation: About 25 days at Equator to 36 days
near poles (because of its gaseous composition)
Temprature at surface : 55000 C
Temprature at core : 15 million0 C
Surface gravity : 38 times that of Earth
Time for sunlight to reach Earth: 8 Min. 18
Approximate Age : 4.6 billion years
Expected life span : Probably another 5 billion
years before it starts to die.
Chemical composition :
Hydrogen: 92.1 %
Helium: 7.8 %
Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Neon: 0.1 %
The Sun makes a 100 million times more energy
than all nine planets together. Yet it is huge fiery ball of gas, composed
mostly of hydrogen like other stars. The secret to the Sun's power is a
gigantic nuclear reactor buried deep inside its core, where atoms of hydrogen
are squeezed together under tremendous pressure to form heavier helium
atoms. This example of nuclear fusion turns 5 million ones of matter into
energy every second, driving up the temprature in the Sun's core to 1,50,000000
C. Earth receives a billionth of the total energy output of the Sun.
Noble Etiquettes
Why do we prostrate
before parents and elders ?
We prostrate to our parents and elders.
We touch their feet and they in turn bless us. Why do we offer Prostration
Touching the feet of elders in prostration,
is a sign of respect for the age, nobility and divinity that our elders
personify. It symbolizes our recognition of their selfless love for us
and the sacrifices that they have made for our welfare. It is a way of
humbly acknowledging their greatness. This tradition reflects strong family
ties which has been one of India's enduring strengths.
The good wishes and blessings of elders
are highly valued. We prostrate to seek them. Good wishes springing from
a heart full of love, divinity and nobility have a tremendous strength.
When we prostrate with humility and respect, we invoke the good wishes
and blessings of elders which flow in the form of positive energy to envelope
Compiled by 'Kóstùr'

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