October-December 2001 issue
Between Ourselves
Namaskar. "Happy
New Year to you all"
of January of the Gregorian calender may not precisely be taken as the
commencement of the New Year by every one as every community has its own
calenders more or less based on astronomical almanacs or mythological beliefs.
Yet, notwithstanding, with the community calenders ,'New Year' ushered
in by the Gregorian calender is celebrated throughout the world by most
of the peoples. In the Indian pluralistic society we are fortunate to have
opportunity of wishing 'Happy New Year' to our brethren many a times. Wishing
one another breeds love, spreads peace and harmony. 'Let noble thoughts
come from everywhere', exhort Vedas.
While Nature's
wrath devastated Gujarat in India in the beginning of 2001, in September
the satans of terror floored the twin towers of New York and ravaged the
invincible Pentagon in USA. Continuing their diabolical designs the terrorists
attacked J & K assembly in October and later in November, overmastering
fear the perpetrators of terror made an audacious, though unsuccessful
assault on Indian Parliament. 13th of September 2001 changed the global
political scenario and a new world order emerged which vowed to haul the
unbridled march of terrorism. India, after thoughtful deliberations took,
for the first time, harshest diplomatic measures to send signals to its
neighbours across the border that ours was not a Nation which could be
asked to 'Lay off'. In this macro diplomatic standoff, the problem of Kashmir
visa-a-vis 'Kashmiri Pandits' cause has been relegated to back-burner.
We only wish and pray that in the new year, peace prevails in the world
and the Indian government makes a firm resolve to eradicate militancy from
Kashmir and we find honourable and dignified solution to our problem.
In organising
quiz contests under the Project'ZAAN' the Kashmiri Pandits' Association
has added one more flagship of activities to its objectives. Unassumingly
and quietly the Kashmiri Pandits' Association in collaboration with Lalla-Ded
Educational & Welfare Trust has made deep inroads in the psyche of
our young and not so young Biradari members to take interest into rich
and multi faceted heritage of their motherland-Kashmir, through dissemination
of well documented 'Information Digests'' on the various aspects of Kashmir.
Simultaneously the release of 'Basic Reader for Kasmiri language' has created
deep interest in the youngsters to read Kashmiri through Devanagari. Our
publications under Project 'ZAAN' i.e. Vol. I, II & III have been appreciated
as well by youngsters living abroad. We have received order for another
set of 50 publications from U.K. The popularity of the publications can
be gauged by the fact that these publications have been put on a special
Website in USA. Unlike the Quiz Contest of 2000 it has been decided to
award trophies to various category winners on our Annual Cultural Nite.
I appeal to Biradari members to sponsor Lifetime awards for the Project
'ZAAN' as detailed elsewhere in Milchar.
The Milchar- the
life line communication of our Biradari, you will appreciate has come of
age. Kashmiri Pandits' Association wishes that it should be sent to all
the members irrespective of whether they subscribe to it or not, but the
prohibitive cost of printing, compels us to request you again to kindly
send Rs.100/- as your yearly subscription for it in case you have not so
far become a subscriber or if your subscription is due.
Varshik hawan
this year shall commence on Tripura Chatturthi corresponding to 16th February,
2002 and Purnahuti shall be offered on Basant Panchami on the 17th of February
at 12.30 P.M. Naveed shall be served immediately thereafter. We solicit
your cooperation in helping us to stick to the schedule so that navid is
served smoothly and without hassle of time.
The Annual Cultural
Program has been slated for 16th of March, 2002. The special feature of
this year's program would be a Musical Nite by Shri Rajendra Kachroo of
Delhi. We need your usual magnanimous assistance for fund raising on the
occasion. You have always risen to the occasion at such times and, I am
sure, you would not fail me this time.
J. L.
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