Kashmir: Wail of a Valley
is the heart rending tale of the people, popularly known as Kashmiri Pandits,
the natives of Kashmir who by brutal force were reduced to a minority during
a few centuries of Muslim rule.
Despite their immense contributions
to all segments of human learning, they were persecuted, and discrimination
continued even in post-independence era. The Islamisation of the entire
Kashmir polity brought about by thousands of Madarsas cut at the very roots
of Kashmiri ethos of liberalism and humanism. The alien gun-culture transformed
the paradise into a veritable hell on the earth. Thousands were killed,
butchered and tortured. Three lacks of them are in exile and Diaspora.
All this has been exposed
in Kashmir: Wail of a Valley. It is the result of the hard labour
of Prof. Mohan Lal Koul who has presented the gruesome tragedy of a minority
with irrefutable evidence.
This is the second book of
the author, first being Kashmir
Past and Present: Unravelling the Mystique, which is now a reference
