Hinduism in Kashmir
religious practices of Hindus of Kashmir
(popularly known as Kashmiri
Pandits) revolve
around the worship of Shiva and Shakti. All other
(gods and goddesses) of the traditional
Hindu pantheon are worshipped as various
manifestations of Shiva and Shakti. Shiva is the
Supreme Lord of the universe and Shakti, the
Universal Mother Goddess, is his eternal
companion. Bhairavas and Ganas are also his divine
companions and they are also worshipped with him
on important festivals, such as Shivaratri. There
are numerous Shiva shrines in Kashmir, such as
Amareshvara, Vijayeshvara, Sureshvara,
Harsheshvara, Mahaadeva, Bhuteshvara,
Haramukheshvara. The shrines dedicated to Shakti
are Tripurasundari, Trisandhyaa, Jvaalaamukhi,
Shailaputri, Shaarikaa, Shaarada, Rajni, and
The religious philosophy
of Kashmiri Hindus is rooted in Kashmiri Shaivism,
a school of Shiva philosophy that originated near
Kailasha in Himalayas around 400 AD. The first
teacher of this school was Tryambakaditya, a
disciple of sage Durvasas. Sangamaditya, the
sixteenth descendent in the line of Tryambakaditya,
later settled in Kashmir valley around 800 AD. His
fourth descendent, Somananda, extracted the
principles of monistic Shiva philosophy from the
scriptures and incorporated them in his own work,
Shivadrishti, which is the first philosophical
treatise on Kashmiri Shaivism. Later a galaxy of
illumined sages, such as Vasugupta, Kallata,
Utapaladeva, and Abinavagupta further refined this
philosophy. The philosophy of Kashmiri Shaivism is
generally called Trika Shastra, since it is a
philosophy of the Triad: Shiva, Shakti, and Nara
(the bound individual self). The literature of the
Trika System of Kashmir comprises of three
categories: the Agama Shastra, the Spanda Shastra,
and the Pratyabhijna Shastra.
Kashmiri Shaivism, also
known as Pratyabhijna (meaning
"recognition") school of Shaivism,
adopts a purely monistic metaphysical position. It
considers the Supreme Lord, called Shiva or
Maheshvara, as the Supreme Reality, which is
innermost as well as transcendent. As a conscious
and active principle, the individual self (atman)
is identical with the Supreme Lord. Due to the
influence of maya (ignorance) the individual self
forgets its divine nature, becomes liable to
limitation and bondage, and thinks itself to be
different from the Supreme Lord. Thus one's mukti
(spiritual freedom) lies in one's clear
recognition (Pratyabhijna) of one's identity with
the Supreme Lord. In Kashmiri Shaivism we find a
type of religious thought which synthesizes
pluralism, dualism, and the Buddhist doctrine of
Shunya, and develops a nondualist philosophy which
is sweet, sublime and constructive. This
philosophy is closer to the theism of the Bhagvad
Gita than to the nihilism of Buddha.
Kashmiri Shaivism is free
from restrictions of caste, creed, and gender. Any
devout aspirant can have access to both the theory
and practice of this philosophy. In Kashmiri
Shaivism, practice of religion is considered more
important than theological debates and
discussions. Kashmiri Shaivism does not advocate a
life of renunciation (Sannyasahood) or profession
of monks, but recommends an active householder's
life with daily practice of worship, yoga and
meditation. The use of outward symbols, such as
yellow and orange robes, matted hair, and ashes
are prohibited. Worldly enjoyment as a goal of
worldly life is recognized and respected, but a
spiritual path aimed at harmonizing bhukti
(worldly enjoyment) and mukti (liberation) is
advocated. Kashmiri Shaivism does not advocate
suppression of one's emotions and instincts, but
provides a spiritual path aimed at their
sublimation towards the ultimate goal of spiritual
 - Bansi Pandit
Dharma explains the symbolism of the
Hindu deities and includes nine
beautiful color pictures of the popular
Hindu deities. These pictures can be
used for daily puja (worship) in the
home shrines by the devotees. >>>
Vakhs are an expression of high thought
and spiritual truth, precise apt and
sweet. The vakhs embody the synthesis of
cultures for which Kashmir has always
been noted.
A Collection of
Kashmir Bhajans
by Bhawani 'Bhagyavan'
by Bhagawaan Gopinath Ji Trust
Gopinathji Trust is designed to be a
vehicle for spreading the message of
"Bhagawaan Consciousness" -
Universal brotherhood; Love and
Welfare for All, Hate and ill-will for
None; Progress in Life based on
Spiritual Values. >>>
Babh the Omniscient - The Wonder Saint
of Kashmir
is there in Srinagar who has not seen
at one time or the other, a
quick-walking, queer-looking nimble
man with a big hat on his head and a
tight belt round his waist, taking
long strides in quick succession along
the streets of the city and elsewhere
? >>>
of Kashmiri Literature and Kashmiriyat
author has taken great pains,
despite his old age, to analyse with
clarity and vision the spiritual
philosophy of the three saint poets
all of whom urge the sadhak to
retire within, from without, as the
best means of realising the Truth.
Dassi's Vakhs
Guru Dev
Swami Govind Kaul
Edited by Somnath Pandit
A Collection of
by Swami Govind Kaul
Amrit Sagar
A Collection of
by Swami Govind Kaul
by Satisar Foundation