
had a rich tradition of writing plays and performing them in Sanskrit from
2nd Century A.D .
to 12th Century A.D., side by side there were numerous Natya-Charyas
professing in Natya and galaxy of scholars writing commentories on Bharata's
Natya Shastra, most authentic being 'Abhinav Bharati' by Abhinava Gupta
Acharya (10th Century A.D.), Vide Sholok No: 16 of second Tarang of Rajtarangini,
Kalhan informs us that there lived Chandrak Kavi during 2nd Century A.D.
who wrote plays of sorts for people of all castes and creeds. Kalhan considers
him incarnation of Vyas Muni, writer of Mahabharata..
to 12th Century A.D., side by side there were numerous Natya-Charyas
professing in Natya and galaxy of scholars writing commentories on Bharata's
Natya Shastra, most authentic being 'Abhinav Bharati' by Abhinava Gupta
Acharya (10th Century A.D.), Vide Sholok No: 16 of second Tarang of Rajtarangini,
Kalhan informs us that there lived Chandrak Kavi during 2nd Century A.D.
who wrote plays of sorts for people of all castes and creeds. Kalhan considers
him incarnation of Vyas Muni, writer of Mahabharata.
...More ...
Moti Lal Kemmu
Moti Lal Kemmu, noted
playwright is a master of his craft. He has done renaissance work in the
restoration of Kashmir’s vanishing folk theatre form, Bhand Paather.
For nearly three decades he made strong efforts to give it a distinct
identity, acceptability and respectability.
Dr. Harikrishna
Harikrishna Kaul is one
of the major Kashmiri playwrights of the modern era. He started his
literary career during his college days in early fifties, writing short
stories in Hindi. He continued writing in Hindi till mid-sixties when he
switched to writing in Kashmiri and immediately established himself as a
major Kashmiri playwright and short story writer.
M. K. Raina
M. K. Raina graduated
from National School of Drama in 1970 with Best actor award. Since 1972
he has been freelance theatre worker and film person, working all over
India in many languages and with many traditional forms.
It would be hard to
find a person of Kashmiri origin who is not familiar with the name of
Pushkar Bhan. For Kashmiris in Kashmir, and all around the world, the
genres of Humor-Laughter-Entertainment and Pushkar Bhan's name have
become synonymous.
Moti Lal Saqi
writer, dramatist, scholar, researcher, encyclopaedist, specialist in
Kashmir's cultural and literary heritage, authority on the Valley's
Rishi tradition - all rolled into one. >>>
Ashok Pandit shot into
prominence with Filmi Chakkar - one of the more successful comedies on
satellite TV. Soon after he made Tere Mere Sapne, a serial that depicted
the story of a joint family set in today's milieu.
Jyoti Sarup
Jyoti is a Director of
TV serials and Feature Films for 11 years and was Vice President, at
SONY Entertainment Television. He has recently got the "National
Award" for his Feature Film BUB
Nath Sadhu
A tribute by Moti Lal
Bansi Lal Nirdosh
A tribute
Avtar K. Kaul
in Srinagar, Kashmir in 1947. Educated at CMS School and SP College
Srinagar, Panjab University Chandigarh and FTII Pune. Was in ISRO
1974-94. In Zee Telefilms 94-96...