Nath Dhar 'Kundan'

Sh. T. N. Dhar 'Kundan' has
written exclusively on Kashmir, its political
scenario and religious practices of its original
inhabitants, the Kashmiri Pandits, and has authored
several books on a variety of socio-cultural
topics. For a number of years, he served as
an editor to Koshur Samachar, a tri-lingual
publication of Kashmir Samiti, New Delhi. We at
KPN are indebted to him for sharing some of his
articles with our readers.
List of books written by T.N.
1. A Portrait of Indian Culture published by Rashtriya
Sanskrit Sansthan.
2. A Window on Kashmir
3. Bhagavad Gita, the Elixir of Life
4. Exploring the Mysterious
5. Understanding Education
6. Philosophy of a Common Man
7. Saints and Sages of Kashmir
8. The Saint Extra-Ordinary, Bhagavaan Gopinath
Pandit Community- a Profile
On the Path of
Serial No. 2, 3 and 4 published by Mittal Publishers,
Ansari Road, Darya Gunj New Delhi. Serial No. 5 and 6
published by Rajat Publishers, Ansari Road, Darya
Gunj, New Delhi. No.7 published by Bhagavaan Gopinath
Trust and No 8 by A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, Ansari Road, New
1. Main Pyasa Hun (I am Thirsty) - A collection
of Hindi Poems
2. Main Samudra Hun (I am an Ocean) - A collection of
Hindi Poems
3. Guru Se Samvad (Dialogue with a Preceptor)
1. Swapna ta Sonch (A Dream and a Thought)
- A
collection of Kashmiri Poems.