
Legal Documents 51-75
51 |
Report of the Franchise Committee |
1933 |
52 |
Constitution Act |
1934 |
53 |
Jammu and Kashmir
Praja Sabha Election Rules |
18 April, 1927 |
54 |
Order to Convene
the first Session of the Praja Sabha No 57 |
26 September, 1934 |
55 |
Vernacular names
for the Ministers order No. 99 |
5 October, 1934 |
56 |
Appointment of
Ministers to Praja Sabha order No. 132 |
13 October, 1934 |
57 |
Appointment of
official Members to Praja Sabha order No. 133 |
13 October, 1934 |
58 |
Inaugural Address
of the Maharaja to the Praja Sabha |
1934 |
59 |
Resolution of the
Working Committee of the Indian National Congress |
29 July to 1 August, 1935 |
60 |
Presidential Address
of Sheikh Mohamad Abdullah, Muslim Conference |
26 March, 1938 |
61 |
Resolution of the
Working Committee Muslim Conference |
28 June, 1938 |
62 |
National Demand |
1938 |
63 |
Resolution State's
People's Conference, Ludhiana Session, 1939 on the treaties of Indian Princes
with the Paramount Power |
1939 |
64 |
Pandit Jawaharlal
Nehru's remarks in treaty rights of Princes in his Presidential Address
at Ludhiana Session |
1939 |
65 |
Jammu and Kashmir
Constitution Act |
1939 |
66 |
Jammu and Kashmir
Praja Sabha Rules of Business and Procedure,1939 |
1939 |
67 |
Board of Judicial
Advisors Procedure Rules |
1941 |
68 |
Pakistan Resolution
of the Lahore Session of the all India Muslim League |
22 February - 4 March, 1940 |
69 |
Mr. Jinah's Demand
for a Seperate Homeland for Muslims |
22 March, 1940 |
70 |
Broadcast of Sir
Stafford Cripps, Delhi |
30 March, 1942 |
71 |
Statement of Maharaja
Hari Singh on Cripps Mission |
72 |
Resolution of the
Working Committee of the Indian National Congress |
2 April, 1942 |
73 |
Resolution of the
Working Committee of the All India Muslim League |
2 April, 1942 |
74 |
Resolution on the
'Unity of India' passed by the All India Congress Committee |
29 April - 2 May, 1942 |
75 |
Cripps Mission
from the Marquess of Linlithgow to Mr. Amery |
18 May, 1942 |
| |