and Kashmir Government Notification Order No. 1
26th March 1928
Legal Document No
WHEREAS it is expedient to
establish a High Court of Judicature for the Jammu and
Kashmir State, His Highness the Maharaja Bahadur is
pleased to command as follows:
- That with effect from the
fifteenth day of Baisakh Samvat One thousand nine
hundred and eighty five, the High Court of
Judicature Jammu and Kashmir State shall be
constituted and shall consist of a Chief Justice
and two or more Judges, as His Highness the
Maharaja Bahadur may from time to time, think fit
to appoint. One of the Judges shall have revenue
experience and shall be styled Judge High Court
and Revenue Commissioner. The Chief Justice and
every Judge of the High Court of Judicature shall
hold office during His Highness the Maharaja
Bahadur's pleasure.
- The said Court shall
henceforth be styled the Court of judicature Jammu
and Kashmir State.
- Oath of Office
The Chief Justice and every
Judge of the High Court of Judicature previously
to entering upon the execution of the duties of
their respective offices shall make and subscribe
the following declaration before His Highness the
Maharaja Bahadur, or such officer as may be
appointed in this behalf:
"I …… appointed
Chief Justice (or a Judge) of the High Court of
Judicature Jammu and Kashmir State, do solemnly
declare that I will administer Justice according
to the law and usage of the Realm, without fear or
favour, affection or ill-will".
- Seal
The High Court of Judicature
shall leave and use, as occasion may require, a
seal bearing a device and impression of the Jammu
and Kashmir Court of Arms with an exergue or label
surrounding the same, with this inscription,
"The Seal of the High Court of Judicature
Jammu and Kashmir."
The said seal shall be
delivered to find kept in the custody of the Chief
Justice or of an officer of the court from time to
time nominated by the Chief Justice.
- Writs etc.
All writs, summons,
precepts, rules, orders and other mandatory
processes to be used, or issued or awarded by the
High Court of Judicature shall run and be in the
name and style of His Highness the Maharaja
Bahadur and shall be sealed with the seal of the
- Original Jurisdiction.
- The High Court of
Judicature shall have jurisdiction to hear and
determine any original proceeding, or any suit
of which the value is not less than Rs. 10,000
and notwithstanding anything contained in
Section 15 of the Code of Civil Procedure of
Samvat Year 1977, every such suit or proceeding
shall be instituted in the High Court of
Judicature. Provided that nothing in this Clause
shall affect the Provisions of Section 24 of the
Code of Civil Procedure of Samvat year 1977, in
respect of a suit, appeal, or other proceeding
pending before a court subordinate to it to try
or dispose of the same.
- The High Court of
Judicature shall be deemed for the purposes of
all enactments, for the time being in force, to
be the highest Civil Court of appeal and
- The High Court of
Judicature shall be the highest court of
Criminal appeal.
- The High Court of
Judicature shall be empowered to hear and decide
such revenue appeals as may be specified by
general or special orders of His Highness in
this behalf and shall be deemed to be the
highest court of revenue appeal.
- Jurisdiction by Judges
of the Court
- Except as otherwise
provided by any enactment for the time being in
force, and subject to any rules made under this
order, with the sanction of His Highness the
Maharaja Bahadur, the jurisdiction of the High
Court of Judicature may be exercised by a single
Judge of the Court or by a bench of two or more
Judges of the Court.
- Revenue appeals and
revisions shall first be heard by the Revenue
Commissioner sitting alone and appeals, against
his decisions shall lie to a bench consisting of
two other Judges of the Court.
- Subject to the
provisions of clause (b) above, the Chief
Justice shall determine which judge in each case
shall sit alone and which Judges of the Court
shall constitute a bench.
- Appeals from Civil
Except as otherwise provided
by any enactment for the time being in force, an
appeal from any original decree, or from any order
against which an appeal is permitted by any law
for the time being in force, made by a single
Judge of the High Court of Judicature shall lie to
a bench consisting of two other judges of the
- Ram of decision when
Judges differ
- When there is a difference
of opinion among the Judges composing any bench of
the High Court of Judicature the decision shall be
in accordance with the opinion of the majority of
the Judges.
- if there is no such
majority then:
- If the bench is a full
bench, the decision shall be in accordance with
the decision of the Senior Judge, and
- In other cases the bench
before which the difference has arisen shall
either refer the question to a full bench, or
refer the whole case for decision to the full
- Power to refer question
to a full bench or a bench
- Any single Judge and any
bench of two Judges of the High Court of
Judicature, not being a full bench, may, in any
case, refer for the decision of a full bench any
question of law, or custom having the force of
law, or of the construction of any
document, or of the admissibility of any evidence,
arising before the Judge or the bench and shall
dispose of the case in accordance with the
decision of the full bench.
- Any Judge of the High
Court of Judicature may if he thinks fit, refer
any appeal or application coming before him for
hearing as a single Judge to a bench of two Judges
for decision.
- Superintendence and
control of subordinate courts
- Subject to such rules and
regulations as His Highness the Maharaja Bahadur
may be pleased to frame in this behalf, the
general superintendence and control over all
courts shall be vested in, any they shall be
subordinate to, the High Court of Judicature.
- The Chief Justice or a
Judge of the High Court of Judicature appointed by
him, shall from time to time visit and inspect the
proceedings of the courts subordinate to the High
Court of Judicature and shall give such directions
in matters not provided for by law as may be
necessary to secure the due administration of
- Ministerial Officers
- The High Court of
Judicature may, subject to the sanction of His
Highness the Maharaja Bahadur, and on such terms
as to salary, allowance, promotion, leave,
suspension and dismissal, as may be sanctioned by
His Highness the Maharaja Bahadur, appoint a
Registrar, a Deputy Registrar, and such other
Ministerial officers as may be necessary for the
administration of justice by the Court and for
exercise and performance of the powers conferred,
and duties imposed on it by this order, or by any
other enactment for the time being a force.
- The Officers so appointed
shall exercise such powers and discharge such
duties as the High Court of Judicature may direct.
- The High Court of
Judicature may delegate to the Registrar, the
Deputy Registrar, or both, such judicial,
quasi-judicial or administrative powers as it may
deem fit.
- Appointments and powers
of subordinate Judicial Officers
- The appointments of the
District and Sessions Judges, Subordinate Judges
and Munsiffs shall be made by His Highness the
Maharaja Bahadur on recommendation of the High
Court of Judicature.
- The High Court of
Judicature shall have power to! transfer and grant
leave to subordinate Judges and Munsiffs.
- The High Court of
Judicature may, subject to the sanction of His
Highness the Maharaja Bahadur, grant leave to, and
transfer District and Sessions Judges and may
confer civil and criminal powers according to law
on District and Sessions Judges, subordinate
Judges, Munsiffs, District Magistrates,
Sub-Divisional Magistrates and other officers
exercising judicial functions.
- The High Court of
Judicature shall have no independent power of
punishment, such as reduction, suspension and
dismissal of judicial officers, but it shall have
the powers to enquire into cases of misconduct and
submit its recommendations for the orders of His
Highness the Maharaja Bahadur.
- Place of sitting
The usual places of sitting
of the High Court of Judicature shall be Jammu and
- Special commissions and
Whenever it appears to the
Chief Justice convenient that the jurisdiction and
power vested hl the High Court of Judicature by
this order or by any other law for the time being
in force, should be exercised in any place within
the jurisdiction of any court subject to the
superintendence of the High Court of Judicature
other than the usual places of sitting of the High
Court of Judicature or at several such places by
way of circuit, one or more Judges of the High
Court of Judicature shall hold court at such place
or places.
- Requisitions by His
Highness the Maharaja Bahadur
The High Court of Judicature
shall comply with such requisitions, as may, from
time to time, be made under the commands of His
Highness the Maharaja Bahadur for records, returns
and statements.
- Confirmation of
Cases requiring confirmation
of sentences of death or of imprisonment for life
shall be submitted to His Highness the Maharaja
Bahadur for confirmation in accordance with the
provision of the Code of Criminal procedure.
- Power to make rules
(a) The High Court of Judicature, may with the
sanction of His Highness the Maharaja Bahadur, and
after 1 previous publication and consistently with
the provisions of the codes of civil and criminal
procedure and of any other law in force for the time
being, make rules.
- to regulate the practice
of the court.
- to regulate the practice
of the courts subordinate thereto.
- to provide for the forms
to be used in the High Court of judicature and
the courts subordinate thereto for such
proceedings, hooks, entries, statistics, and
accounts as it thinks fit.
- to provide for the
inspection of courts subordinate thereto and the
supervision of the work thereof.
- to regulate all such
matters as it may think fit with a view promote
the efficiency of the judicial and ministerial
officers of the High Court of Judicature and of
the courts subordinate thereto, and the
maintaining of proper discipline among those
- Such rules shall be made
with the approval of a majority of the Judges of
the Court.
- Admission of Advocates,
- The High Court of
Judicature shall have the power to approve,
admit and enroll advocates, vakils and
attorneys-at-law subject to a limit fixed by His
Highness the Maharaja Bahadur.
- The High Court of
Judicature shall have power to make rules, from
time to time, with the sanction of His Highness
the Maharaja Bahadur, for the qualification and
admission of proper persons to be advocates,
vakils and attorneys-at-law of the High Court of
Judicature and it shall also have the power to
remove or suspend from practice, on reasonable
clause, the said advocates, vakils and
- Contempt
- All appeals, revision
and other judicial proceedings pending on the
civil or criminal side of the High Court on the
date on which this order comes into force, shall
be continued, heard and determined in the High
Court of Judicature for the Jammu and Kashmir
State according to law.
- All appeals and
revisions against the decrees and orders of the
High Court of which any competent authority may
be seized on the date on which this. Order comes
into force, shall be transferred to the High
Court of Judicature as constituted by this order
for final disposal.
- All appeals, revisions
and reviews against the judgments and orders of
the H;QI1 Court which can and may be duly filed
on and after the date on which this order comes
into force shall be entertained and finally
disposed of by the High Court of Judicature.
- Revenue appeals and
revisions pending before His Highness or in the
Court of the Revenue Minister may, by His
Highness' general or special orders, be
transferred for decision to the High Court of
- All pending applications
for the review of the orders of His Highness the
Maharaja Bahadur in appeal or revision against
the orders of the High Court or of the Revenue
Minister or such applications as may be
presented hereafter till this order comes into
force, will be dealt with and disposed of as
- No Judge of the High
Court of Judicature sitting in a full bench
thereof, notwithstanding anything to the
contrary provided anywhere, shall by reason of
his having decided or otherwise dealt with any
case referred to in clauses (a), (b). (c), (d)
and (e) above, be barred from hearing and
deciding the same.
- Consequential changes
Consequent on the
promulgation of this order, all the changes
required to bring the existing laws, regulations
or enactments into conformity with the provisions
of this order shall be made at as early a date as
possible with the sanction of His Highness the
Maharaja Bahadur.
- Royal prerogative.
- Nothing herein contained
and nothing contained in any other law for the
time being in force, shall be deemed to affect
in any way, or derogate from the inherent power
and prerogative of His Highness the Maharaja
Bahadur or to affect in any way his prerogative
of mercy and pardon, or his power of remitting,
commuting or reducing sentences conditionally or
otherwise, or to bar the full and unqualified
exercise of His Highness the Maharaja Bahadur's
pleasure in calling for the record of any case
or proceeding whether pending before or decided
by, the High Court of Judicature or any court
subordinate thereto, or to pass such orders
thereon as may be in accordance witl1 the law
and usage of the Realm and consonant with the
dictates of justice, equity and good conscience.
- Except as provided by
this order, there shall be no appeal or revision
against the decree and orders of the High
Court of Judicature for Jammu and Kashmir State.
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