A poem in exile

I opened my heart to the swan,
sat him on
the chariot of my liquid memories,
made him
recollect the heavenly green spot.
I wove a wreath of past events,
held a mirror of Time,
showed him the scarred hush of my being.
His thoughts sped fast
in ecstasy
he ruffled up his wings.
Then I said:
"Yours is the infinite freedom.
Glide in the sky
inspect the world that was mine once.
Fly over the mountain peaks
find out the source of light.
Be careful
when you see the blinding fog.
"You will face clouds
enveloping the mountain tops.
Peer through the fluffs
to find the right path.
While flying over the grasslands and woods
don't give your throbbing heart
to a forest damsel.
Pick up the essence
from the flowers,
dye your Self in the jungle light,
pour love into the cup of your thought,
shower kisses upon the milky snow.
And then
come back
with the wonder.
"Rest near a small spring
get at the safe airy bridges.
Sit in the crotch of a tree
glissade through the crevices.
The clear mountain rivulets
wash you a warm welcome.
Tell them:
'This haste promises a light.
Bless me
the task is sublime.'
"When the night falls
shin up a fir tree
and count the holy days.
The wind will give you
blissful peace;
juicy fruits shall be yours.
Listen to the symphony
of the trees in the forest.
Let your mind swim
in the icy water.
Nature collects silver for you.
"If you get tired
rest on the golden hay
on a hill top.
Spread your wings in the sun
and call up
your old pathways.
Your resting place will come.
You will breathe in the sweet air
away from the city.
Bliss will be yours.
From afar they will say:
'Look !
That is a tiny bird
on the wing
a morning lotus in the lake.'
"Lush greenery will enchant you.
You will hear Meaning
in the tune of the lute.
The goal is distant
you will reach the blooms.
Plead with the cliffs for the time
when splendour glistened,
when glory ruled,
when wisdom flourished,
when strength held fast.
an eagle.
Catch it.
Cover the glebe with shyey love.
Don't let the colours
benumb your sense.
Gather the herbs that cure
burn the thistles that prick.
Strut over the aerial passes
that connect mountains.
Bid fear adieu.
You will reach the goal in time.
"Fly and hover above
the green fields.
Cuddle a longing m your lap.
The glaze of the boulders
sings a legend.
The landscape will recount
a new and fresh tale.
You will see the Full
when you unveil the mystery.
You will measure
darkness with light.
"You are my smiling innocent childhood.
Yours is my strength,
yours is my necklace of pearls.
Warm sunny days
cool sleeping nights are yours.
Yours is my fiery youth,
yours is my love.
You have the kernel of the Word,
you know the shape of the path.
You have seen
the flash of the moment.
"Have courage
dark death will not shadow you.
who sees all
The throne that life sits on
is a thorn.
The wise have said:
'Time is holy. Use it well.'
Decipher the words
before you speak
tomorrow is unborn.
Look, Noah's Ark is caught
in a tempest.
"White clouds and the rays
will weave a shawl.
Dark clouds will flee,
the huts will take a new shape,
the walls that divide will crumble.
Spread love over the hamlet
Rest their images
in your eyes.
Wish all well
and bless them.
Change the flames into flowers.
The ocean of my remembrance
before you .
Choose carefully;
separate the true from the untrue;
view all
and come back with truth.
I will deck the sanctuary for you
hug you at the diamond–studded gate.
"You will see infinite blossoms
and green patches.
You will feel icy winds
wash up shy bushes.
At sundown
the angels in white
whisper honeyed truth.
Get me an image of the scene.
Get me sweet water.
"Somewhere water is ready
for a tango.
In the past
kings, courtiers and travellers
drank there.
Saints counted beads on rosaries
hermits meditated.
A place for all
to go into a trance.
Implore all
to restore peace in the valley,
to cure all aching wounds
to end grief.
"Goggle at the Seven Springs
to know
that renunciation is Reality.
The ripples will play
among the boulders. The waters
retell the tales of the Nagas.
Piety will swill stone.
The soul of the valley is pure.
"Ancient ruins are asleep.
Awaken them
with the woeful tale.
Murmur my agony. The mountains shine
the silver glitters.
The saints' prayers
from every corner
arouse the thinking.
"Like a lioness in rage
Visho flounces from Kaunsarnag.
Cataracts flow from her lovely daughter.
The water will last
the long winter.
Clothed in blue
she longs for rest.
A stag capers
in a deep canyon.
"The heavenly spot on the river-bank
is nature's work.
Springs are there
and uplands pimpled with flowers.
You will see numberless cool shadows
the image of the sky.
Long ago
Janmayjya made fragrant
offerings to the gods there.
Step over the spot.
Fetch me a swig of water
I am parched."
(From: Tyol)