
Virendra Qazi on Kashmir
to grace of God and love and admiration of people, Virendra Qazi is
making original contribution in Indian Tantra Shastra. Kashmir
Shaivism is very popular in US and Europe with research at leading
universities. He presents this philosophy in common man’s language
and he is getting overwhelming response from all over the world.
Last year in August, Midland Broad Casting Corporation, Leister, UK,
recorded his lecture on Kashmir Shaivism, which was shown all over UK.
While explaining relevance of Kashmir
Shaivism he always stresses that we should live in present and no problem
of individual or society should be ignored. This has helped him to
develop a highly results-oriented approach in his work.
C-II/2284, Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi - 110 070
Phone Nos.: 6133936 / 6892972
e-mail: virendraqazi@yahoo.co.in
History tells
us about great ancient civilizations. Where have they gone? To museums,
pyramids, history books, Discovery Channel, etc? But Indian civilization,
the ancient creed and culture, can still be found in every village of India
- alive and kicking! >>>
Upliftment through Kashmir Shaivism
The philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism
occupies a distinguished position among the various schools of religious creed
and thought. It provides the complete analysis of human personality and delves
into the deepest and most comprehensive psychology of man. In this way, it makes
the greatest contribution to furthering of human understanding.
Shaivism and our times
The philosophy of
Kashmir Shaivism occupies a distinguished position among the
various schools of religious creed and thought. It provides the
complete analysis of human personality and delves into the
deepest and most comprehensive psychology of man. In this way,
it makes the greatest contribution to furthering of human
and Aesthetics in Kashmir Shaivism
full moonlit night, devotees of Swami Vivekanand were gazing at the resplendent
sky from the yatch in the mid sea. They invited Swam’ji, who was inside,
to share their joy at the fascinating sight.
and Kashmir Shaivism
We are analyzing a unique
subject: the synthetics of natural sciences with metaphysics. Our ancient seers
and sages long back conceived the principles of physical or natural science. The
World, as we see, is a play of energy, force or vibration, and not an illusion,
was an important creed of our Sastras. This is in total conformity with modern
science. >>>
Shiva Sutras are
believed to be a Rahasyagama Sastrasangraha or Sivopanisat
Sangraha a compendium containing secret doctrine revealed by
Lord Shiva. It is stated that once Srikanthanatha, an
incarnation of Lord Shiva, appeared before sage Vasugupta in a
dream and directed him that the secret doctrines inscribed on a
particular rock on the Mahadeva mountain, about 18 kms., away
from Srinagar, behind the famous Harvan garden, be studied and
taught to those who deserved such a favor. >>>
Rescues Kashmiri Poetess-Saint From Obscurity
Unlike many people we know,
Sonal Mansingh isn't coy about revealing her age. She'll happily tell you
she's turning 60, yet she manages to pack a powerhouse into her athletic
frame fine-tuned by a daily dose of yoga. Which explains why it's
impossible to find her resting on her laurels. >>>
Slide Presentation on Kashmir Shaivism:
| Powerpoint | pdf
Vakhs - Wise sayings of Lal Ded
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