S.N. Pandit
 Mr. S. N. Pandit, hails from
Gairoo, (Noorpora), Kashmir, (J.& K). He joined
Postgraduate Department of Kashmiri, Kashmir
University, Srinagar as Research Assistant and
during more than twenty eight years of his
service cader as the Research Assistant in the
said Deptt., he edited more than 20 books in
Kashmiri which serve as the text‑books for
various courses of study in Kashmiri for the
Under Graduate and Post‑graduate levels. He also
edited a number of issues of 'Anha:r' the famous
Research Journal of the University in Kashmiri.
Besides, M.A. in Sanskrit, he secured distinction in (Kamil),
Hon. in Kashmiri. 'Humour and Satire in Kashmiri Language' the M. Phil thesis,
presented by him, serves as a text for the students of the higher classes in the
said field of learning. He also worked on the 'Elements of Nature in the
Kashmiri Poetry', for the award of his Ph. D degree. Besides representing the
University at a number of language/lexicon related Seminars in and out side the
State, he is a member of the Editorial Board, Tri‑lingual Dictionary Committee,
published by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. Mr. Pandit is the author
of the following prestigious publications of the University of Kashmir, Srinagar: