
Introduction - Genocide of Kashmiri
Kashmiri Pandits, constituting 99% of the total population of Hindus living
in Muslim majority area of the Kashmir Valley, were forcibly pushed out
of the Valley by Muslim terrorists, trained in Pakistan, since the end
of 1989. They have been forced to live the life of exiles in their own
country, outside their homeland, by unleashing a systematic campaign of
terror, murder, loot and arson.
of Kashmiri Pandits has reached its climax with Muslim terrorism succeeding
in 'CLEANSING' the valley of this ancient ethno-religious community.
With the
completion of fifth year of their forced exile, this peace loving, culturally
rich community with a history of more than 5000 years, is fighting a grim
battle to save itself from becoming extinct as a distinct race and culture.