Lord Buddha at Takshashila
By Sanjay
The city of
‘Taxila’ is situated at a distance of 35
kilometers from Rawalpindi in the Punjab
province of Pakistan. It is the seventh Tehsil
of Punjab province. The old name of ‘Taxila’ was
‘Takshashila’ and it was famous throughout the
world as an ancient centre of Hindu and Buddhist
culture. There is a verse in the ancient epic
‘Ramayana’. The verse describes how Bharat, the
son of queen Kaikayi, after defeating all his
enemies in war, established two settlements,
namely, Takshshila and ‘Pushpakalavati’ in the
Gandhar province. Both these settlements were
abounding in all necessities of life. Bharat
deputed his two sons, Takshak at Takshashila and
Pushpal in Pushpakalavati’ to take charge and
rule them. The state capital of ‘Takshak’
situated on the top of a mountain was popularly
addressed as ‘Takshakshila’. This name
‘Takshakshila’ in course of time, got changed to
‘Taksh-Shila’. The grandson of Arjuna, named as
‘Janmajaya’ conquered Takshashila and
established his rule on a hill there, called ‘Haathiyal’.
The first presentation of the great epic
‘Mahabharata’ was given by “Vaishampayana’ here
only. ‘Haathiyal means abode of elephants. This
whole region was called ‘Gandhar’ meaning
thereby ‘Land of fragrance’. In the opinion of
some Archaeologists from Pakistan, King Takshak
belonged to the ‘Naga’ Dyansty and he had
established the city of

The University
of Takshashila was an important knowledge
imparting centre of ancient India and it was
operational between the 6th century B.C. to the
5th century A.D. Here the student aspirants were
admitted at the age of 16 and finished their
educational courses.
Here various
courses, such as archery, horse riding, elephant
riding, philosophy, defence sciences, grammar,
religion, law etc. were taught. The merit list
of the alumini of Takshashila University
included such famous names such as Jyotipal the
commander of armed forces of the king of
Varanasi, the physician Jeevak of King Bimbisar,
Prasannajeet king of the state of Kaushal and
the emperor Chandragupta. The famous grammarian
Panini was at Takshashila during the sixth
century BC. Similarly, Arya chanakya, (Kautilya)
was also busy in imparting education at
Takshashila University. Many historians from
Pakistan are of the opinion that Kautilya wrote
and compiled his world famous treatise on
economical sciences (Arthashastra) at
Takshashila only. Takshashila was renowned all
over the world then for unequalled quality of
education imparted and the discipline observed.
In one of the ‘Jatak kathas’ of Srilanka,
composed in the fifth century, there is a stray
reference to the University at Takshashila.
During the
regime of the Iranian emperor, ‘Dariyush the Is’
prior to the year 486 B.C. the King ‘Pukkusati’
of Takshashila was defeated by the Iranian
forces. On the tomb of king Zerzes the 3rd (year
338 B.C.) the fact that he conquered ‘Gandhar’
along with the images of the Gandhar’s warriors
are carved out. Alexander the great reached
Takshashila in the year 326 B.C., when king
Ambhi was the ruler. Ambhi subsequently
surrendered to Alexander. The region where the
remains of old Takshashila lie scattered and
strewn is presently known as ‘Bheer’. These
remains are scattered in an area admeasuring
some 1600 sq meters. A strong fortification
exists in this area and has been constructed
with wood, bricks and soil. The residences at
Takshashila had storage spaces for food grains
in the rear walls.
‘Sirkap’ is a
small settlement near ‘Tamra-Nallah’ near
Takshashila. The remains of the fortification,
surfaced during an archaeological excavation,
have long been testified in ancient literature.
In the biography of ‘Apolonius’ authored by ‘Philostratus’,
he writes that Takshashila is as imposingly
colossal as the city of ‘Neenwah’. He further
adds that Takshshila has all the characterically
distinctive Greek features including a Greek
styled fortification. Sirkap has narrow roads
like ‘Athens’ and has single storeyed houses
have Parthian type roofs. The remains of this
city are strewn over a large area of 12000 sq.
meters. During the regime of Alexander the great
the Greeks addressed this city as Taxile’.
‘Strabo’ has described this city as vast and
expansive and abounding. After the Greeks,
emperor Chandragupta Maurya conquered
Takshashila. After, Maurya, the Bactrians, the
sakes and then Kushanas ruled Takshashila. The
white Hunas devastated Takshashila on a great
scale during the 5th century A.D. The famous
Chinese traveller, ‘Fahiyaan’ visited this area
in the 5th century. He addressed Takshashila as
‘Chuchshila’. He has described the four large
‘Stupas’ there and has praised both the ruler
and the ruled. Hu-en-tsang, the famous Chinese
traveller visited Takshashila in the 7th
century. He addresses Takshashila as
Taa-chi-shilo’. He also says that Takshashila
was included into the kingdom of Kapisha
initially but was included in Kiyashilo Kingdom
(Which is Kashmir at present.) He has specially
described the brave people, the fountains and
the area abounding in flowers & fruits and the
vegetation in general.
The Takshashila
University charged one thousand ‘Karsharpane’
(the then prevailing unit of currency) towards
tuition fees from the rich. The poor, however,
were provided with education, free of cost. The
coaching work was on throughout day and night.
Takshashila could be very aptly described as the
one and the uniquely one University, which was
fully operative and functional in the whole of
the universe for one thousand record years and
that too, without any incessance or disturbance.
During the British regime, the firstever attempt
was mady be ‘Cunningham’ to fathom the hidden
whereabouts of this ancient city of Takshashila.
Subsequent to these attempts, in the years 1912
AD and 1934 A.D. an archaeological excavation
exercise was undertaken, under the able
leadership of Sir John Marshall at Takshashila.
In this excavation many constructed structures
were surfaced at different levels in various
encrustrations These include remains of the
‘Bhallar Stupa’ on the sharda hill at an
enormous height, at the banks of river ‘Haro’.
The Kushan Kings erected many ‘Stupas’ and
monasteries at ‘Jalian’. In one of such
monasteries, many coins struck by Tormana and ‘Samantdeva’,
so also, many stucco idols (made from lime) of ‘Bodhisatva’,
Goddess ‘Hariti’ in Gandhara style surfaced. At
that time complete sets of ornaments also
surfaced. One ‘Armaiec’ inscription was also
found. Several earthen pots, terracottas, stucco
idols and hoards of Indo Greek and Saka Kushan
coins were also surfaced. There is a stupa
erected by emperor Ashoka at Dharmarajika. At
this Dharmarajika stupa, there is an inscription
of the Sythian king ‘Azes’. In that inscription
the name of emperor Ashoka had been referred to
as ‘Dhar raja’. This inscription was brought to
light during that excavation. At ‘Jandiyal’ the
remains of a uniquely characteristic and
typically distinctive Greek temple were
During the excavation at
Takshashila many miniature stupas deployed
during worship and several Urns for preserving
the remains were brought to light. After Sir
John Marshall, Mr. Mortimer Wheeler undertook an
excavation at Takshashila. After the partition,
(The author is a noted archaeologist,
based in Pune).
Source: Kashmir