Buddha at Jahanabad (Swat)
By Sanjay
In ancient
literature, there is a frequent reference to
River ‘Suvastu’. Valley of Suvastu River
is today’s Swat river valley. This is on the
banks of River Swat. The river Swat flows
through towns of ‘Malla' and 'Saidu’
etc. and ultimately merges with the waters of
River ‘Sindhu’. People belonging to ‘Usufzai’
tribe of Pakhtoon Community are settled in this
region. ‘Khush hal khan khatak' is a famous
Afghan poet. He quotes, “The swat region is the
most charming one in the whole of the world and
by the natural beauty, the kings also derive
heavenly bliss. After Partition, Swat became a
part of Pakistan and at present it is included
in the North -West Province of Pakistan. The
Swat valley has many famous ancient spots, which
include ancient caves, indicative of hall marks
of Aryan settlements, Buddhist Monasteries and
stupas. Hieun-Tsang the famous Chinese traveller
has mentioned that more than 1400 Lama series
existed in this region during ancient time.

Saidu Sharif
and Bhingora are twin cities in ‘Swat’.
‘Saidu Sharif is the administrative capital of
’Swat’ and is at a height of 3250 feet from Mean
sea level. Bhingora has a weekly market, selling
gems of various types, Precious stones, Woollen
hosiery items and tribal artifacts. The
tradition of selling and purchase of these items
in the weekly market here is more than two
thousand years old.
During the
British regime, they carried out an exploratory
survey of the region, which threw light on all
the ancient remains, which surfaced there. A
treatise titled ‘exploration of Swat' is
considered as the Best reference work on Swat.
At present, the remains of ancient Buddhist
stupa explored at ‘Butkara’ are carefully
preserved at the Swat Museum at ‘Saidu Sharif'.
During the winters, the Swat valley is totally
covered by snow and when snow starts melting
this ‘Swat’ region right upto ‘Chitral’ where
‘kalash' tribals, who are descendents of the
Greeks are settled, gets dolled up with the
unique natural beauty which is simply superb.
The ‘Swat’
valley has witnessed innumerable events that
took place in ancient India. This region saw the
rise and fall of many monarchs. On account of
many invaluable and precious remains surfacing
from time to time, the ‘Swat’ region has always
been the central point for scholars and
researchers. Many Mathas, Stupas and ancient
structures have been brought to light during the
excavational exercises carried over here. The
ancient name of ‘Swat’ was ‘Uddiyan’. Uddiyan
means Garden.
The Akhmeniyan
Emperors ruled this province. Subsequent to
this, Alexander- the great arrived here in the
year 327 B.C. During this period ‘Swat’ became a
cultural link between India and Iran, ‘Chandra
Gupta Murya’ conquered this territory from the
Greek Emperor Asoka, the grandson of
“Chandragupta Murya” apostated Hinduism and
adopted Buddhism. He deputed his religious
propagandists and canvassers to every nook and
corner of his kingdom. In Afghanistan at
Shahbazgadhi, many inscriptions belonging to
Emperor Ashoka in ‘Kharoshti’ have been
The Kushans
ruled ‘Swat’ for more than 100 years. Hieun
Tsang, the famous Chinese traveller arrived here
around the year 600 A.D. He has given in his
report that at Butkara there were about six
thousand golden idols. He has further stated in
his report the king Uttersen the ruler of Swat
belonged to the shakya community and he (Uttersen)
erected a stupa in memory of Buddha. The journal
recently published by the Royal Asiatic society
of London gives a vivid description of the Lamps
carved out of Schist stones surfaced from
'Dir'--a town in Swat valley. These Lamps carry
some informative description in Kharoshti script
.One such Lamp carries the words Deep thal and
the other carries the name Bheemas. Between the
2nd and the third century A.D such Lamps were in
vogue and in regular use by the Buddhist monks
and ascetics. In this connection one Buddhist
folk-tale confirms that lord Gautam Buddha had
personally visited this place and had given a
discourse and preached sermons to his disciples.
The Buddha
statue which has been detailed by Hieun Tsang in
his elaborating descriptions of his travels is
situated at Shekhudai a place at a distance of
16 K.M. in the North-West direction of Saidu
This town of
shekhudai is today known as Jahanabad. At
Jahanabad a huge Buddha idol has been carved out
of seven meters in the size in the mountain.
Here the Buddha has been displayed in a
meditative posture called Padmasana
(Lotus shaped Seating position). This
Sculpture there has been carved out in the 1st
Century during the regime of Kushana rulers.
This Buddha statue at Jahanabad like the one at
Bamiyan has also become a centre of attraction
for the students of the Gandhar culture. Many
tourists from Japan, Thailand and Sri Lanka
visit Jahanabad annually Dr. Fida- Ullah Sahrai,
the ex-director of Peshawar Museum is an
authority on subject of Gandhar culture and
history of Gandhar. In his opinion till 11th
century Buddhism flourished in swat and the
remains found here testify this. The Buddha
statue at Jahanabad is next to that of Bamiyan
in size and is considered to be one of the. best
artifacts of Gandhar tradition. Dr. Sahrai
further states that the Swat valley was a
witness to the many sects in Buddhism such as
Hinyan, Mahayan and Vajrayan and the development
After swat
achieved the position as the main centre of
Buddhism the king of Tibet in the 7th century
invited Padama Sambhav Swaty, the chief Bhikkhu
(lama). Accordingly, Bhikkhu Padasambhau went to
Tibet. Dr. Saharai states that the great
tradition of Buddhism now present in Tibet has
its roots in the Bhikkhu tradition of Swat.
After Emperor
Ashoka his noble mission of spreading of
Buddhism was carried on by Emperor kanishka.
This kushan emperor deputed his canvassers to
many countries. He had also conveyed an
international conference for furthering the
cause of Buddhism. The Buddha Idol in Jahanabad
most probably was sculpted in the regime of
Kanishka as an everlasting memorial and monument
in memory of lord Buddha.
The followers of
Taliban arrived on the scene in Swat. This has
disturbed the peaceful atmosphere of Swat which
is full of ancient remains. Jenab Riyazkhan has
informed that Talibans exploded some detonaters
near the mountain of Jahanabad on 10th of Sept.
'Dawn' has also confirmed that Talibanis
also repeated this explosion on 29th September.
reports that the archaeological department of
Pakistan has requested the Govt of Pakistan to
preserve the historical heritage of Swat but no
concrete steps seem to have been taken so for in
this respect.
Postscript: Lately it has been destroyed by
*(The author is a noted
Archeologist, based in Pune)
Source: Kashmir