in Samadhi, he never moved out for 20 long
Jankinath Kaul 'Kamal'

In the middle of the l9th century AD there lived a
Brahmin named Shukdev at Chinkral Mohalla,
Srinagar. The Brahmin was a Purohit and lived a
pious life. Around 1852 AD (1910 Bikrami), a son
was born to him. According to his horoscope, it
was predicted at his birth that the baby would
grow to be a great saint. Nobody could imagine at
that time the great spiritual heights that Swami
Ramji would attain in his life later.
boy Ramji received instruction as Purohit; in
those days modem education on Western lines was in
its very infancy in this country. In his youth he
came in contact with Shri Lala Joo Kokru, who was
well-versed in Kashmir Shaivism through reflective
heredity. Since Ramji also had a spiritual bent of
mind, to which heredity and environment again must
have contributed, he took to the study of Shaiva
philosophy under Shri Lala Joo. His intelligence
and interest brought to him a clear comprehension
of this school of philosophy. As the adage goes,
when you deserve the desire in you gets fulfilled
by itself. When you really need help, it must
Ramji met his guru, Sri Manas Ram Monga (or Maneh
Kak as he was called) who was a great mystic saint
of the time in Kula system of Kashmir Shaivism. He
had great spiritual attainments and wanted that
philosophy to spread through a line of disciples.
Being a Siddha Yogi and eager to transmit the
knowledge to a capable person who understood this
subtle philosophy, the master found the true
disciple in Ramji and transmitted Yoga to him by
his divine touch.
devoted himself to the practice of Yoga in right
earnest. He did not undergo the formal
renunciation as a Vedantin usually does. He
continued with his work of Purohit in a
professional course and regularly attended
Yajman's houses for conducting worship and
religious rites for quite some time of his early
Ramji had a great devotee in Pandit Narayan Das
Raina, a merchant and houseboat owner of Srinagar
at that time. In fact, Shri Narayan Das was the
first to introduce houseboats in Kashmir. Among
Kashmiris he was, therefore, known as 'Naveh Naran'.
He was a man of high ideals. His simple habits,
loving nature and cheerful behavior had earned a
name for him. Swami Ramji is said to have been his
family priest. The family honored Swamiji and all
his requirements were met with pleasure by Sri
Narayan Das.
Swami Ramji, with his comprehensive study of Kashmir
Shaivism and severe practice of Yoga, got well
established in the system. Now he wanted a
secluded place. He found a congenial one at a
fellow-disciple's home at Safakadal. When a flower
is in full bloom, it gives out fragrance. Swami
Ramji was now a Siddha Yogi. Discerning people who
could recognize his worth came to him. Common
people too thronged round him to invoke his
blessings. This disturbed the family life of his
fellow-disciple. Realizing this, Swami Ramji one
evening called on his admirer and worthy Yajman,
Sri Narayan Das, at Fatehkadal.
"Naran Joo: I want to be in seclusion. Will you provide
me with a place to -live? " he told his
trusted Yajman. The noble Pandit was simply
pleased to welcome the sage and offered a small
three-storied house, which he owned, just 300
metres from his residence. The second storey of
the small house was furnished. In a few days Swami
Ramji moved to this room. Here he carried out his
spiritual practice (Sadhana) and taught the Shaiva-Agama
(Advaita Kashmir Shaivism popularly known as Trika
philosophy) to worthy disciples like Swami Mahtab
Kak, Swami Vidyadhar and Swami Govind Kaul who had
been his personal devotees and received
inspiration and his personal guidance to rise to
their full stature in their time.
more devotees and admirers, mostly householders,
were attracted towards him by his scholarly
expositions of the Agama and Yogic wonders. He was
the greatest Yogi of his time in Kashmir. His mere
look or touch was bound to make a person a changed
one. He wielded a wonderful Shaktipata. Even
Maharaja Pratap Singh, the then ruler of Kashmir
and a discerning devotee, is said to have
approached him for blessings. In his later years
Swami Ramji is said to have sat, with knees to his
breast, at his Asana (seat) and did not move out
for 20 long years. Here the saint-philosopher
imparted Yogic instructions to deserving disciples
and delivered discourses on Trika philosophy for
hours together to his listeners who were
spell-bound to see him immersed in undisturbed
enlighten his own disciples he (Swami Ramji)
openly displayed, even while in body, his own
Shaivahood, by remaining in Samadhi continuously
for four hours daily).
about his Siddhis are still current in the valley
The separate house where Swami Ramji lived is now
the famous Shri Rama-Trika- Shaivashrama. Devotees
and admirers are heard chanting devotional hymns
and recitations from Shaiv-Agamas up to this time.
Narayan Das and his wife, Srimati Arnyamali, were
greatly devoted to Swami Ramji, who from the*
family priest had now evolved to be their
spiritual Guru. They had been serving him and
looking to all his needs and convenience with
great love and devotion. On May 9, 1907 (about
1964 Bikrami), the couple was blessed with a son.
When the news of the birth of this baby was
instantly conveyed to Swami Ramji, it is reported
that he got up to dance and uttered:
am Rama and the child be named Lakshmana."
in his old age, Swami Ramji lost his body-
consciousness out of divine joy at the auspicious
birth of my Master (Shri Lakshman Joo), singing 'I
am Rama and he (the new born) be named Lakshman'
and danced in joy).
believed that a divine being had taken birth in
the form of the child. Truly so, the child, who
was named Lakshman, showed signs of abnormality as
he grew up. Swami Ramji encouraged the anxious
parents and conferred blessings on this divine
child. He had recognized divine features in the
child who would often go into fits. Once when the
parents approached Swami Ramji to express their
anxiety about the child he sent them back with a
happens to him, may be graced unto me." Thus
the child, Lakshman, entered boyhood under the
spiritual care of this great sage, who later
initiated him into Gayatri Mantra, Pranayama and
certain Yogic practices.
lived the renowned saint, his Holiness Swami Ramji,
the Shaiva teacher of my Master - Swami Lakshman
that he would not be in the mortal coil L till the
divine boy attained maturity, the sage L entrusted
his future initiation into the-Shaiva order to his
chief disciple, Swami Mahtab Kak.
his craving disciples and the seven- year old Shri
Lakshmana to the charge of Swami Mehtab Kak, his
principal disciple, he (Swami Ramji) entered the
real abode of Shiva by giving up his body).
a few years, Swami Ramji left the body in 1915 AD
(1971 Bikrami Magha Krishnapaksha Chaturdashi) to
merge in the Divine Universal Self of which he had
been an embodiment.
Ramji was sometimes heard by his close disciples
uttering in divine rapture his experiences of
Supreme-Consciousness and here is given a verse (Shloka)
from his pen:
accepting the Truth from the mouth of the Master,
whose word is the sacred text, all my ignorance
got dispelled. The mind (Chitta) dived deep in the
ocean of consciousness eager to taste the loving
nectar of equality. The web of thought calmed down
in the state of unqualified meditation. Thus the
Supreme-Consciousness inexpressible is revealed to
me in its perfectness.)