1922 some Kashmiri families were on Bharat Braman to visit different holy
places. Swamiji, a student of 3rd standard
then, too was in this group along with close elderly family member. The
pilgrims also visited Omkareshwar on the bank of Narmada, near Khandwa. There
is a famous seven-mother goddess temple (of Varahi, Chamunda, Brahmini,
Vaisnavi, Indrani, Kaumari and Maheshwari). These temples are visited by
people in large numbers throughout the year. At its Dheodi Ghat was an ashram
of Govindanand Saraswati. On seeing Govindanandji Swami felt deeply impressed
and expressed desire to stay at the ashram permanently. He made request to
Govindanandji to take him as his disciple. To this Govindanandji replied, "I
make Gurus, not disciples. " The precocious child replied, "Then make me a
guru. ” Govindanandji told the close relative of the child, ”Please tell the
father of the boy that the child feels like staying here and as and when his
father wishes to take him back he can do so. ”
Diksha :
Diksha started with Trikal Sandhya and Gayatri Purus-hacharan during the day.
During night the students had to recite KALI beej MANTRA. The discipline was
quite rigid, the boys had to take self cooked meals once a day and attend to
every work themselves. Swamiji’s other companion was Karim, a muslim by birth.
When someone suggested to Govindanandji to give new name to Karim, he objected
saying, ” Karim is one of the Beej shabad of Maa shyama” hence no need to change
the name The Guru was closely linked to Holker Princely family of Indore.
After the formal training was over, Govindanandji asked Swamiji and Karim to
jump into the struggle for India’s freedom. Indore was a centre of revolutionary
activities those days. Infact, the British govt. had implicated another
Kashmiri Pandit, Jagar Nath Zutshi, a medical student in King George Medical
College, in infamous Indore Conspiracy Case. It is not known whether Swamiji
had any links with Zutshi’s group, but he attended Tripuri session of Indian
National Congress as a follower of Netaji Subash Bose. The latter had contested
in this session for Presidentship against Pattabhai Sitaramaya. Both Nehru and
Gandhi opposed Bose. In his address Nehru said, ”If Subash Babu becomes the
President then all of us would be holding swords. ” Such a statement infuriated
Swamiji and he lost his cool and brandished his pistol at Nehru. Seth JamnaLal
Bajaj intervened and pleaded to Swami ji to calm down. The latter retired to
his camp. In the evening Bose went to Swamiji and asked him, ” Do you know what
would have been the consequences had you pressed the trigger?Swamiji shot back,
”It could have taken the life of Jawahar. ”Bose said, ”Pt. Nehru is also our
brother. ”Swamiji angrily asked, ” Are we your enemy then?”In anger Swamiji
threw away his pistol and other revolutionary paraphernalia at Bose. ” Bose was
re-elected as Congress President.
Revolutionary activities :
Swamiji came to Bombay. Bose went to persuade him to join the revolutionary
movement. A new group had been formed with its base at Midnapore . Swamiji,
Karim and some Laxmi were active members in Bose’s new group. This group was
operating all over the country. Swamiji’s main role was to ferry arms, received
from Germany, to different places in the country. His area of operation
included Bombay, Mhow, Indore, Bhind, Morena, Agra, Delhi, Lahore,
Peshwar and had warrants in 5-6 states. Swamiji was in active contact with
princes to enlist their support for revolutionary freedom struggle and mobilize
financial support from them. How and when Swamiji came to have alias of “PSPS”(Paramhans
Swami Purnanand Saraswati) no details are available. Soon Swamiji became a
legend for his activities.
He used to travel on a motorcycle, (5HP BSA with no shockers and springs) to
different parts of the country. One day he was on way to Indore from Bombay. As
he neared a chowk, 30-40 kms short of Indore, British Police engaged him in an
encounter. Swamiji was hurt as a bullet pierced his right shoulder. He kept on
driving motorcycle till he reached the fort before Indore. The guards on duty
recognized him and sent a word around that PSPS was injured. He was taken
inside and the gate was closed. The British had no idea about his whereabouts.
Swamiji remained as the guest of Holker Ruling family under the care of RajVaid.
It was here that he acquired knowledge of Ayurveda. For five years Swamiji‘s
centre of activity was Indore.
Once Swamiji shot dead a senior British Officer in a train near Amritsar. The
police cordoned off the Railway station. Swamiji and his group managed to move
out by riding their mobikes over railway bridge sleepers. They were helped by
some Bijli Pahalwan to escape from Amritsar. On another occasion in Calcutta a
British officer was killed. The officer used to visit a tawaif. The
revolutionary group wanted to teach him a lesson. Though Swamiji was expert in
scaling pipes, since the pipe was 1\2” in diameter he could not scale it to
reach the officer. A lady member did the job and the British officer was
targeted. Once while returning from Burma to Calcutta in a Japanese ship they
were sighted by the police when they were still 5 kms away from Calcutta. The
revolutionaries jumped in to sea and swam across to Calcutta.
Many of INA members after the end of WWII went underground to escape trials by
the British Govt. Swamiji went in to hiding in Assam. During his stay in Assam
he did Bhairvi Sadhna. From here he moved to Sankaracharya Math in Nepal.
There he met another legend Swami Kaidarh Puri ji and stayed with him for some
time. Some believe he had stayed in Tibet also during this period. In 1949
Swamiji shifted to Udaipur. He met here one of his companions, probably Keshav
Mukherjee at Pali, Rajasthan. Keshav was also staying underground. Swamiji
asked him, ”Tumhara khana pina to chal raha hai?(Are you able to sustain
yourself)”Keshav recognized Swamiji and said, ”O’PSPS how are you here?” Swamiji
asked him if he had any problem he could stay with him. Many legends grew about
SWAMIJI. One of these was that he carried a wireless set in his watch. He
had given his watch for repairs. Some political worker instigated a CID
Inspector to investigate it. The Inspector came to Swamiji for inquiry.
Swamiji told him that he should tell his officer that his file was in Red Fort
and cited number of the file also. He told him that the particular file would
tell him everything about him. Swamiji was pro-Sovietland Pro-German but
Shesharma Days:
Before coming to Shesharma village, Swamiji had been staying at 2-3 different
temples in

At Shesharma temple he constructed a room for himself. It was here that he
immersed himself in occoult science research. He served in Panchayat Dept. as
a storekeeper and was scrupulously honest. He disposed off cases quite promptly
and displayed nationalist sentiment. This was the period when Late Mohan Lal
Sukhadia was the Chief Minister. Some of his loyalists wanted a favour from
Swamiji which the latter refused. Soon after, Swamiji was attacked by six
goons while he was on his way to home from office. The goons carried swords and
spears. Swamiji too gave them good thrashing. Later, they set his room on fire
after few days. My father on hearing this went to see Swamiji and with great
effort persuaded him to stay with us. It was probably 1956.
Swamiji’s attire was quite peculiar. He wore pheran with rope around the neck.
He had pick cap (Kanwati)or British cap on his head. Swamiji used to tie four
rows of Kaladar pasana(sort of a belt)around his waist with a big knife fixed in
it. He wore strong ankle boots. The staff he carried had a steel ball at one
end, while at the other end there was a spear. Swamiji looked a giant in
disposition. He was a good cyclist too.
During his Shesharma days a tough called Ladu Pahalwan had struck terror in
Udaipur. . He used to stay in Khasodi. A sadhu lived nearby. One day Ladu threw
a bottle of wine at Sadhu’s hermitage. The sadhu narrated his tale of woe to
Swamiji. He was infuriated and went to accost Ladu. Swamiji grappled Ladu and
abused him, ”O’Ladu why are you troubling Sadhu. Uptil now you were living on
fish in the lake. Now these fish will live on you. . ”Swamiji pulled him down on
the bank and sat on his chest, put knife on his throat. This brought Ladu to
his senses. He apologized to Swamiji and made peace with sadhu. Ladu was to
confess later that he could not free himself from Swamiji’s grip.
was fluent in Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, English Marathi and Bengali. His
unpublished work includes:
Compilation of Durga Saptashati:This manuscript has complete 700 slokas
Srividyarnav Tantra:This volume was worked upon by Swamiji while he was
at Shesharma. It took him 6 months, working for 14-16 hours a day. An old
lady Kesarbai alias KC looked after his food. The decoding of Srividyarnow
tantra. Swamiji worked out details of sunrays and correlation with Chakras.
. Swamiji said rays changed every 4 secs. and their number is 21600 in 24
hrs. . This work is in Sanskrit. He used to be seated on a moda and used 18-20
rims of paper on these calculations.
Mantrodhar of Kamkala kali and Guhya Kali from Mahakalsahinta: In this
Swamiji has elaborated the mantra of Kamkala and Guhyakali in 363 pages and
2418 pages respectively. It is said that in these mantras some words had been
removed and or distorted at places. The Kamkala and Guhyakali mantras were thus
incomplete. Swamiji worked out these distortions and filled the inadequacies.
For work on Guhyakali he received inspiration from NathYogis.
Kamkala kali mantra: Swamiji also had elaborated on Kamkali mantras.
Usualy Swami ji used to do Sadhna in night and used to keep the present Grah as
sakshi for his sadhna. Once keeping Buddha Grah as sakshi for his Sadhna he
said if he delays his sadhna by 3 mts. then he can go in total trance keeping
Budha Grah as Sakshi. He was of openion that Buddha is 3 mts. behind the
schidule as mentioned in all the Panchangs in India. He insisted Trajectory &
timings of rise & setting of Buddha is 3 mt. late. The difference of 3 mts.
would make Panchang unreliable. Later on Nasa, as per a report in Times of
India, had also come to same conclusions after three months of Swami ji gave
his openion based on his Sadhna. .
his last years Swamiji was working on Holy Quran and The Bible but because of
failing eyesight due to ARMD he could not complete these. He restricted himself
to only Path-Puja and stopped all writing work. Throughout night he would be
busy with puja. He would say that he used to receive divine orders to work on
different subjects. Swamiji would say that mantras in Hinduism had to be charged
first through recitation. He used to solve difficult questions in the night
through Puja. . Swamiji had equal respect for all religions.
Swamiji practiced Sandhya in the evening and used to turn beads the whole
night. As per Dr. Bhat he had the offer to become Sankaracharya but Swamiji
politely declined the offer.
Swamiji even while sitting at home would be aware about everything happening
outside. He would never talk about his family or personal life. Swamiji
abhorred superstitions and charlatanism. He would say, ” Any day you feel happy
is an auspicious day. ” He hated clergy and godmen. . Swamiji, however,
believed in spirits and would suggest to lit some incense to turn these away.
Swamiji would always tell us to lit agarbati on right corner while entering
home. He had premonition about his death. He died of intracerebral haemorrhage
and was buried a samadhiin mudra near cremation ground on 06-10-1996.