Jeewan Shah
Humki Khuda Naist - Ba Hukam Jeewan Shah"

Jeewan Shah
Color Picture Courtesy: Anjali Kaul,
Jeewan Shah, an outstanding Saint of the 18th Century was
born in Motiyar Mohalla of Rainawari Srinagar
(Kashmir). A highly evolved Saint with tremendous
spiritual power, his miracles are legion. His
father Raj Kak Pandit was a man of means. Raj
Kak's wife used to go to "Khirbhavani
Shrine" at Tulamula once every month
literally in sack cloth and ashes and pray before
the Divine Mother "Shri Rajna Bhagawati"
for the boon of a child. Visiting the shrine for a
prolonged period, she earned Devi's grace one day
and fell into a trance and beheld the Goddess
giving her two boughs, one of pomegranate tree and
the other of grape vine. The Divine Mother also
told her she would get two sons, one of them would
belong to them i.e. the worldly parents and the
second son would be Her incarnation. The first
child was given the name of Hari Ram and the
second called Jeewan Shah. Jeewan Shah blossomed
into a young boy exhuding "Ojus and Tej".
He received his early education in a local school.
He was well versed in Persian which was the Court
language during that period.
was married in his teens much against his will.
Early marriages in those days were common and what
was worse was that the bride and the bride- groom
had little say in the matter. Jeewan Shah soon
after his marriage, however, renounced the world
confining himself for about 60 years to a room
with a bare rectangular wooden plank as its
furniture. He carried on his Sadhana, sitting
there in "Kag Asan" (Crow posture). This
plank stands as a living testimony to his austere
life. During his life time in the whole of
Rainwari whoever solemnized a marriage, first
Thali of the marriage feast (cooked rice,
vegetables etc.) would be offered to Jeewan Shah.
He would accept the offering, invariably place the
Thali on a windows sill and distribute the
contents by bits even when it was stale. It is
common knowledge that those who received Jeewan
Shah's blessings in this manner benefitted
of Jeewan Shah's miracles which are indelibly
impressed on people's memory are narrated below :
During the year 1783 AD, the valley was governed
by a cruel Pathan Governor Azad-Khan. He tyranized
Hindus greatly. On one occasion a group of Pathan
soldiers while marching through Misha Mohalla (Rainawari),
abducted a Hindu girl, forced her into their boat
and rowed away. Since her parents and their
sympathisers could not fight the Pathan Governor
and his soldiers, they appealed to Jeewan Shah for
help. He was visibly moved and within the hearing
of all those present, summed up his sentiments in
a Persian couplet thus -
it is not the God's command, by my (Jeewan Shah's)
own command then the boat should capsize drowning
all except the Hindu girl".
boat capsized and the Pathan soldiers got drowned,
only the Hindu girl landed ashore safely.
During the life-time of Swami Ji, a very severe
drought affected the valley. Cattle and other
animals were dying of starvation, people suffered
from disease and death. The Gujjars approached
Swami Ji in humble supplication to redeem their
lot. Swami Ji uttered a Persian couplet and a few
minutes afterwards, there was a heavy downpour,
changing the dry parched lands into luxuriant
green pastures.
Dila Ram Pandit, a very poor man barely literate,
was a devotee of Swami Ji. One day he approached
Swami Ji for granting him some means of
sustenance. Swami Ji told him to eat the stale
cooked rice lying in a brick Taku (plate). Dila
Ram managed to swallow a few morsels, with great
difficulty as it was stinking. Swami Ji egged him
on to take more of it mixed with curd. He could
barely take a few more morsels but could not
finish it. Swami Ji next told him "You
unlucky man, tell me whether you would like to be
Governor or his brother-in-law." Dila Ram was
cut to the quick as he could not aspire to any of
the positions, as he was barely literate and he
had no sister to marry to qualify to be any one's
brother-in-law. Swami Ji had thought differently.
He meant whether he would like to be an
administrator or serve the latter as his Dewan.
Swami Ji, however, directed him to get going and
take his 'Qalamdan' (Ink and pen stand) and paper
to Gata Kadal (Dul Gate) where the Governor was
camping. As soon as Dila Ram reached the place,
the Governor noticed him and called him in. At
that time his Dewan, Tarq Ali Khan was reading a
missive from Shahan Shah Delhi castigating the
Governor for his lapses and commanding him (Govemor)
to become a Dog (Sag Shavi). The Governor was
annoyed and directed Dila Ram to re-read the
latter. Dila Ram read the letter. Dila Ram read
"Sag Shavam (I become a dog) for "Sag
Shavi". The Governor enquired of him as to
why he read the word like that. Dila Ram replied
that he could not tolerate such an insult to the
Governor. The Governor was apparently pleased at
his reply. He dismissed Dewan Tarq Ali Khan, who
was also his brother-in-law and appointed Dila Ram
as his Dewan.
some time the Governor got angry with Dila Ram and
ordered that he should be thrown into the river.
He went to Swami Ji to bid him farewell. Swami Ji
told him not to worry. Dila Ram was thrown into
the river but managed to reach the other bank
safely. When this came to Governor's notice, he
reinstated Dila Ram and asked to be ushered into
the presence of Swami Ji. As soon as the Governor
reached Swami Ji's room in his Ashram, he was
frightened out of his wits to see a lion there. He
barely mustered courage to salute Swami Ji from a
distance and bolted away. Swami Ji commented on
this episode thus - "what business have such-
cruel Governors, to come here". This
experience had a sobering effect on the Governor
who became more humane and considerate to his
people thereafter.
One Krishna Koul Kotwal was a devotee of Swami Ji.
He was asked to eat the stale cooked rice. He
obeyed and took a few morsels with great
difficulty. Soon afterwards he was appointed a
Police Officer. A culprit accused of murder
escaped from his custody and the Governor ordered
that Krishna Koul should be thrown into a "Siya
Chah" (a deep dark pond). He narrated his
woeful tale to Swami Ji who advised him to arrange
a "Band Jeshan" (a musical concert). The
culprit, he told him, would also come there and if
he could recognize him he should apprehend him.
Exactly the same thing happened. Swami Ji's ashram
is visited by large throngs of people daily.