P.N. Razdan
Gandhi Ji used to say, “In
India we have two types of people: those who work
and those who get the credit”. Ethnic minority
of Kashmiri Pandits, by and large, belong to the
first category. Rarely have they received their
due recognition for their efforts and contribution
to the national cause. May be we are ourselves to
be blamed. After all, the old saying is, “Do in
Rome as the Romans do”. One has to beat one’s
own drum to receive public appreciation as is the
culture of Independent India. There are a number
of persons from our community who have failed to
receive due recognition for their untiring
efforts, dedication and devotion they have shown
to the development of literature, science and
social welfare. One such person, who comes readily
to ones mind is Shri P.N. RAZDAN (Mahanoori) an
eminent educationist, a prolific writer, an
innovative teacher and a great physical enthusiast
who had achieved a number of milestones in the
field of swimming, boxing, hiking, etc; during his
Shri Razdan was soft spoken,
gentle and modest person. But behind his simple,
unassuming personality was hidden a man of great
talent, grit and stamina; one who never
compromised with his principles inspite of the
difficulties and hardships he had to face. Shri
Razdan was educated, during his formative years,
in C.M.S. Central Biscoe High School at Feteh
Kadal, Srinagar, a pioneer institute of modern education
in J&K State. After his graduation from the
Punjab University, the Mission authorities offered
him to take charge as Senior Science Teacher of
their high school at Anantnag.
He introduced multipurpose
activities in the School Science Union. The
alternate monthly meetings of this Union were
culminated in yearly annual functions in which the
parents, old boys, elites of the locality as well
as Mission authorities from Srinagar would
participate. His enthusiastic dynamism and
progressive ideas that he put to practice made him
very popular with the boys, parents and the intelligentsia
as well as VIPs.
Shri Razdan, during his tenure
of more than three years at Anantang, penned down
the manuscripts of three books. M/S Ali Mohd and
Sons, Srinagar published two of these- booklets
dealing with High School physical science made
easy. The third manuscript-a book on the Dogra
rulers of the J&K State, however, remained
Only after about six months
stay at his new place of posting, Central Mission
High School, Sheikhbagh, Srinagar, he was deputed
to the Teachers Training Collage at the Prince Of
Wales Degree Collage (Presently Govt. Gandhi
Memorial Science Collage) at Jammu. Soon after
completing his professional training and obtaining
the B.T. degree he was transferred as Senior
Science Teacher of Central Mission High School,
Fateh Kadal, where his enthusiasm and dynamic
activities fructified into his famous experiment
of innovative science teaching. As a highly
dedicated teacher he consolidated his experiments
by becoming a freelance journalist. He started
contributing articles, giving details of his
experiments, in the top most education journals of
the country from 1940 onwards. His maiden article
was published in “TEACHING” one of the two
yearly special issues of the top most journals
published by Oxford University Press, Nicol Road,
Bombay. This brought him substantive remuneration,
which was more than his monthly salary at that
The series of articles
published by the Punjab Education Journal, Lahore
(now Pakistan), augmented with the selection of
his articles published in other different journals
of the time, in the country, brought him honour of
publishing his book, entitled,” New Horizons In
Education “ with a foreword by the then reputed
educationist, diplomat and historian Late Dr. Tara
Yet another book of his,
containing three one act-plays on science topics,
to infuse interest on science amongst the aspiring
students was published in 1948. T.C.E. journals
and publications, Lucknow, published his two one
act plays on science study. The third
self-published book entitled “Progressive
Education” with an introduction by Dr.L.
Mukerjee, an internationally known psychologist
and the then Chief Editor of “EDUCATION”,
Lucknow, was brought out in the year 1962.
It was in recognition of his
academic pursuits in the field of education that
the reputed Patty Wardhan Christian Society of
Poona, dedicated one of their many journals to
record the profile of two well known educationists
of India namely, Shri Vishveshria of Karnataka and
Shri P.N. Razdan (Mahanoori) of J&K.
His professional activities and
prolific writing did finally made the State Govt:
in 1949, to offer him membership on the panel of
eminent educationists constituted to write science
text books for Middle Classes. Not only this but
subsequently he had the honour of being offered
the membership of the Academic Board for high and
higher secondary schools of then J&K
University which continued as such for the Board
Of Secondary Education when it came into
existence. This was followed by memberships of;
1. Syllabus committee for
high and higher secondary schools,
2. Advisory Board of Govt;
Teachers Training Collage, and
3. Committee for the revision
of middle school textbooks.
As a member of the Executive
Committee of the All J&K Teachers Union his
paper “Side lights on Kashmir Govt’s Education
Policy” though initially rejected, was
ultimately accepted, after public intervention
through vernacular newspapers and the
co-educational policy was withdrawn from the very
next session, to the great relief of the people.
Shri Razdan has also many
textbooks to his credit. M/S Ali Mohd. & Sons,
Srinagar, published seven of his books, which he
wrote for high schools, and these captured the
local University markets for over three decades.
Three textbooks on biological sciences, for higher
secondary schools, two of these with co-authors,
published by M/S Kapoor Brothers, Srinagar,
continued for several years.
Shri P.N. Razdan also worked as
a part time lecturer, teaching Science and Nature
Study to the B. Ed. students of the Gandhi Memorial
Degree College, Srinagar, for about two decades.
The Author with
his wife and grandson Rahul Razdan
After his exodus to Jammu in
the year 1990, Shri P.N. Razdan like many others
of his community members suffered a lull and spent
his time brooding. Innovative person within him,
however, resurfaced and he ones again indulged in
his academic pursuits. The three books he wrote
and completed thereafter have since been published
and are entitled “Gems of Kashmiri Literature
and Kashmiriat”, “Ticklish Stories” and “Nand
Bab (the mystic saint of Kashmir)”. The J&K
Academy of Art, Culture and Languages approved the
first two of these books, sanctioning subsidy for
publication thereof. His book “Hindi in Kashmir”
tracing the history of appearance of Hindi in
Kashmir was also considered for the Sahitya
Academy Award. Alas, his fourth book entitled “Trio
Of Frustrated Love” with reference to Haba
Khatun, Arni Mal and Rasool Mir, remained
unpublished due to his demise under tragic
circumstances in October’ 2003.
Last but not the least, his level of
satisfaction as a teacher is described in his own
words as follows “Unawares, despite the
formidable multiple odds I had to face all
through, I still feel proud of having been a
teacher. With the multiplicity of co-related
hobbies, I could enthuse my taught with interest
in their learning process by innovative methods.
Unawares, the unknown, unostentatious and
imperceptible, subtle honour appears to have been
mysteriously bestowed upon me by some divine
heavenly powers that be. This has enabled me to
play the game of education with dedicated devotion
during my teaching career. This has enabled me to
feel fully satisfied with my teacher’s role.”
Babh the Omniscient - The Wonder Saint
of Kashmir
is there in Srinagar who has not seen
at one time or the other, a
quick-walking, queer-looking nimble
man with a big hat on his head and a
tight belt round his waist, taking
long strides in quick succession along
the streets of the city and elsewhere
? >>>
of Kashmiri Literature and Kashmiriyat
author has taken great pains,
despite his old age, to analyse with
clarity and vision the spiritual
philosophy of the three saint poets
all of whom urge the sadhak to
retire within, from without, as the
best means of realising the Truth.
In this way, he has rendered
Yeoman's service to his mother-
tongue and motherland both and his
work will surely be judged as a good
contribution on his part. >>>
Plain narrations, conflicting psyches, clashes of
self-interest fool-hardiness of conceit and egoism,
heights of human attachments, potential confusion
and chaos inheriting all misunderstandings and
mischief as against the wisdom of sincerity of
purpose and fearless frankness; and above all
illiterate's intelligence versus the experts
stark-ignorance are some of the problems highlighted
in these twenty-one odd stories.