As Scholar and

Pandit Nityanand Shastri
Recently (NSKRI) had the privilege of
interviewing Sh. J. N. Pandita, second son
of Pandit Nityanand Shastri, the great
Kashmiri scholar after whom the institute
is named. The octogenarian Sh. Pandita,
who had come to Delhi for medical
treatment, spoke on various aspects of his
scholar father's life and personality,
revealing many interesting facts. Some of
these are given below. ] |
to Sh J.N. Pandita NS was born in 1874 and the
time of his matriculation, there were but two
matriculates in the whole of Jammu and Kashmir
State - Agha Syed Hussain and Ved Lal Zutshi. NS
had his preliminary education as a private student
as there were no regular schools in the state
those days.
Having a firm grounding
in Sanskrit, a family tradition, NS wanted to
study English also, but his father, for whom
learning English was as good as becoming a
Christian, was dead set against it. NS however,
studied the language secretly, learning it from
one Srikanth Khazanchi, and soon mastered it.
His knowledge of English
came handy to him when he met the famous
orientalist Sir Aurel Stein at Lahore. NS had gone
there to sit for his Pragya and Stein was then
Registrar of the Punjab University (of
prepartition days) which conducted the Sanskrit
examination. The meeting of the two great scholars
was a great event leading to their life long
friendship and commitment to Sanskrit. The two
collaborated and cooperated in producing several
important Sanskriti works of Kashmir, NS's vast
knowledge guiding Stein many a crucial point.
Others who benefitted from his scholarship
included Grierson, Vogel, Winternitz and Vreese.
NS started his career at a young age of 16,
teaching Sanskrit at a government school in
Srinagar. Later, he obtained the degree of Shastri,
the highest in Sanskrit those days, and afterwards
became Professor of Sanskrit at Sri Pratap
College, Srinagar in the year 1916. NS
distinguished himself by going to college always
wearing the traditional Kashmiri attire. He never
wore a western outfit.
NS was among the leading
Kashmiri Pandits who met Swami Vivekananda when
the latter visited Kashmir in 1897. There is a
group photograph commemorating the event. He also
met Lord Curzon, then the Viceroy of India, and
presented to him a welcome address in Sanskrit
verse during his visit to Kashmir in 1906.
Among his peers and
contemporaries were prominent figures of the
times, both Kashmiri and non-Kashmiri and they
were not limited to the literary or academic
circles. These included Pt. Daulat Ram, Prof.
Gyani Ram, Dr. Kulbhushan, Dr. Balwant Singh, Pt.
Parmanand and Pandit Narayan Dass. Notable among
his students were Shri T.N. Kaul, former diplomat,
Shri P.N.K. Bamzai, noted historian and Smt Pupul
Jaykar, cultural zarina. When NS retired as
Professor in 1930, it was Shri T.N. Kaul who read
his farewell address.
Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya
was a great admirer of the outstanding Kashmiri
scholar. Struck by his vast knowledge and
erudition when he met him at the Rawalpindi
session of All Hindu Mahadhama Sabha Sammelan in
1929, Malviya Ji invited him to join the Sanskrit
faculty at the Benaras Hindu University. When NS
expressed his inability to do so due to family
obligations, Malviya Ji exclaimed, "The
portals of Benaras Hindu University will always
remain open for you. You can join whenever it is
convenient to you". Sir Aurel Stein too
offered him a faculty assignment at Oxford, but NS
had to decline, again for the same reasons. NS's
fame as a scholar of encyclopaedic range spread
far and wide, in the country and abroad, but due
to family circumstances he had to stay for the
most part of the year in Srinagar. But during the
winter months, when his college would close for
vacations, he would find time to visit various
centres of Sanskrit learning in the country. These
included Benaras, Allahabad Prayag, Lahore and
Gaya, where he found pleasure in interacting with
other Sanskrit scholars.
NS was, however, not only
just an academician, he was equally active in the
social and cultural fields. While being the
president of Sanskrit Sahitya Parishad, a Sanskrit
literary organisation he founded in 1930, he also
established a charitable trust named Vanita Ashram
to help widows and destitutes. As a philanthrop,
he had few peers. Throughout is life, every month
NS secretly donated one tenth of his income in
- Monthly Newsletter of N.S.
Kashmir Research Institute