by Mrinal Kaul
The Sanskritic Shastras have survived in
India as a part of the Vedic ritualistic culture. The Vedic
ritualism has been a text-based culture. In the development of
this ritual-culture a variety of sciences emerged as a part of it
thus making it richer. These sciences were a part of a living
tradition survived by the respective experts called Pandits. After
learning and disseminating this traditional knowledge it was
taught to the consecutive generations. Till the later half of the
nineteenth century the same living tradition was practiced in the
Kashmir valley. The twentieth century saw a sudden halt of this
tradition. In the present Sanskrit legacy of Kashmir I name only
two such traditional luminaries, one being Pandit Baljinath Pandit
and another, his taught Pandit Nilkanth Gurtoo. Had I written
these lines just a week back I was to mention Pandit Dinanath
Yaksh as well. But with the sad demise of Pandit Dinanath Yaksha
on 4 October 2004 a whole gamut of the Kashmirian legacy of
Sanskrit Shastric systems came to an end.

Early Life and Education
Pandit Dinanath Yaksha was born in
Srinagar (Kashmir) on 12 June 1921. He completed his Shastri
degree from the University of Panjab, Lahore. Born in an orthodox
Kashmiri Pandit family he was in active contacts with the major
Sanskrit pandits of his time. During his childhood he attended the
Government Pathshalas for learning different systems. He learnt
some Karmakanda (practice of ritualistic rites) and Grammar
from Pandit Ramjoo Kokiloo. He also read some texts of Grammar
with Pandit Raghunath Kokiloo. The legendry figure in the Karmakanda
and Jyotish of Kashmir Pandit Keshav Bhatt Jyotshi taught
him astrology. Afterwards he polished his knowledge of Sanskrit
language and Grammar as he studied some very advanced texts of
Sanskrit grammatical tradition with Pandit Parshuram Shastri and
Pandit Kakaram Shastri of Jammu. While pursuing his shastri course
he learnt Nyaya (Logic) and Kavya Shastra (Poetics)
from Pandit Ananda Kak and Pandit Nathram Shastri.
The assimilation of this great knowledge gained
from his teachers would have been futile had he not pondered over
whatever he learnt. His docile efforts for learning together with
his self-study served as a befitting testimony to his scholarship.
While being in his teens Panditji had an amazing hold over the
Sanskrit language as a result of which he was able to tackle even
the most difficult text himself.
His Career and Scholarship
In 1945 Panditji joined the Jammu and
Kashmir Research and Publication Department, Srinagar as a copyist
and retired from the same Department as the Head-Pandit in 1976.
Here he was paid very less but he was surely happy with the job of
his interest. When he joined the Research Department, it had a
collection of some 213 manuscripts and Panditji raised this
collection to 2500 manuscripts. These manuscripts are preserved in
the Sanskrit Manuscript Section, Iqbal Library, University of
Kashmir in some 5000 volumes. In addition to this he established a
section on Kashmir School of Art and Paintings, which contains
some 500 rare Kashmiri paintings and miniatures. During his stay
in the Department he edited a number of texts, monographs and
research journals. Among the texts he edited the major ones
include Prabhavatipradyumna (A Sanskrit play by Ramakrishna
Suri), Sivasutravivarana of Sukhananda Zadoo, Cittapradipa
of Vasudeva (A Vedantic work), Tarkakutuhalam (Mandaramanjari
– of Visvesvara Suri), Pancastavi Vol- I and II with the
commentary of Pandit Harbhatta Sastri, Svatantryadipika of
Mansaram Monga, Sivasutravimarsini of Kshemaraja, Bhavachudamani
of Vidyakantha (A Tantric cum literary work), Durbhiksitadarudaya
of Isvara Kaula (The famine history of Kashmir which broke out
in 1932). Besides this he co-edited many research studies and
translated works. He also wrote a number of research articles in
Sanskrit, Hindi and English. He compiled and edited the Catalogue
of the Sanskrit Manuscripts present in the Jammu and Kashmir
Research Library for the first time.
Later Panditji was associated with the Center
for Central Asian Studies, University of Kashmir as a Research
Associate for five years. Thereafter he served as a Research
Associate in the Jammu and Kashmir Archaeological Department,
Government of India, Srinagar for a year. The Rashtriya Sanskrit
Sansthan, Government of India for which he worked profusely for
next four years, awarded him a fellowship of Sastrachudamani.
In 1990, like all other Kashmirir Pandits who
left the Kashmir valley out of terror prevailed by the Muslim
fundamentalists, Panditji also had to flee for his life leaving
behind his richest and remarkable private library in Kashmir
consisting of 9000 printed volumes and 500 rare Sanskrit
Manuscripts. In his collection of 500 manuscripts 300 were the
only available original Sanskrit texts and commentaries.
His Specialization and Style
Panditji was very through in the
Paninian Grammar and the grammatical traditions of Kashmir. He was
as good in Katantra, Chandra and Kalapa
systems of grammar (those were prevalent in Kashmir) as he was in
Paninian system. His through knowledge of Kashmir’s history,
geography, culture, philosophy et al was his special
characteristic. I remember him quoting effortlessly from the Rajatarangini
and the Nilamat Purana. He had studied the Mahabhasya
of Patanjali very assiduously. While teaching me the Sanskrit
Grammar I recall him quoting profusely from the Siddhantakaumudi
and the Mahabhasya.
Panditji’s style in his Sanskrit
writings matches greatly with that of the classical Sanskrit
writers like Banabhatta, Sriharsa and Bhavabhuti. I remember the
first time I studied his Sanskrit writing. I was unable to make
out what he had written. His in-depth understanding of Sanskrit
grammar made his writings more profound. He used to catch even the
veteran grammarians in his verbal jugglery. He used to say that
this style he had learnt from a Kashmirian poet Sahib Kaula.
His Genius
Panditji had no formal education in English
language and literature. He once read a Sanskrit translation of
Macbeth in a library and was deeply impressed with Shakespeare. He
got so tempted towards English Literature that he bought a set of
Complete works of Shakespeare in Sanskrit. Thereafter he got
Shakespeare’s works in English and tried to understand them in
original. He also got a complete set of the works in Sanskrit
literature translated into English by Moreshwar Ramchandra Kale
and tried to understand English language through Sanskrit. Thus he
was able to learn English through Sanskrit. Later he used to write
his research papers in very lucid and chaste English. This reveals
his laborious pursuits for learning.
Although being an orthodox traditional Pandit
he had amazingly realistic and exquisitely scientific approach
towards traditional systems in Sanskrit. He used to analyze and
appreciate all the branches of knowledge quite methodically. His
sense of logic and literary criticism and the matchless historical
approach were his tools to penetrate deep into any subject of his
choice. He never studied any text of Kashmir Saivism traditionally
but his understanding of Saivite and Tantric texts that he gained
solely through self-study was amazingly remarkable.
His Association with Research Students
Panditji was always a major center of
attraction for Researchers. No research thesis on Kashmir was
considered to have gained authenticity unless it had passed
through the hands of Panditji. He guided at least some hundreds of
Research Scholars from Indian and abroad. Prof. Raffaele Torella
(Chair of Sanskrit, University of Rome) who worked with Panditji
for many years in Kashmir once mentioned to me, “Panditji is
very thorough in the grammatical traditions of Kashmir. Learn from
him as much as possible.” Prof. Torella’s teacher Prof.
Ranerio Gnoli who translated The Tantraloka of
Abhinavagupta into Italian had a long association with Panditji.
Prof Bettina Baumer of Vienna University regarded him as Modern
Panini in Kashmir. Prof Navjivan Rastogi (Retd. Professor of
Sanskrit, University of Lucknow) has duly acknowledged Panditji’s
help and guidance in his doctoral dissertation on Krama System of
Kashmir Saivism. Prof A.K.Warder, the famous author of Indian
Kavya Literature worked with Panditji for many years and
acknowledged his genius.
Panditji was undoubtedly a towering
figure of traditional Sanskrit learning in Kashmir. But one would
never miss to mention his humble and loving nature. His sincerity
at heart, self-conceited humility, gentle nature and worthy
caliber were the landmarks of his personality. In him Kashmir has
lost the biggest diamond carved in the necklace of Mother Goddess
Sarada. In him I have lost my dear teacher.