Pandit Anand
pioneer historical and cultural researcher

Pandit Anand Koul
Photo Courtesy: Utpal
[When Pandit Anand
Koul published his first book, 'The Kashmiri
Pandit' in 1924, a pioneering work on the history
and ethnography of the Kashmiri Pandits, he
created history. For the first time someone was
writing about a people who had contributed greatly
to Indians culture, art, literature and
philosophy, out of proportion to their small
numerical strength, and who had survived many an
onslaughts of history only to be marginalised by
inexorable political developments. The publication
of the book became an event and its writer
followed it up by several works on history,
literature, archaeology, folklore and saints of
Kashmir -- each enhancing his reputation as a
pioneer of modern research and each contributing
to a sense of cultural resurgence among Kashmiris.
We are giving below a short biographical sketch of
this great writer and researcher of Kashmir.]
in his office on the prestigious chair of the
President of Srinagar Municipality, immaculately
dressed in a Western suit and necktie, hardly
anyone could guess from the outward trappings of
this "socially honoured and important citizen
of Kashmir" that his mind was set at
exploring the cultural and historical past of his
native land and studying the sociology of the
community to which he belonged. Yet Pandit Anand
Koul (A.K.) had all the makings of a great
researcher, writer and antiquarian deeply
interested in digging out facts from the fog of
His modern scientific
outlook, his English education, his felicity with
words, his grounding in traditional Sanskrit and
Persian learning made him ideally suited for the
task of a writer on various aspects of his native
land and its history, culture and traditions. As
an eminent historian and writer V. N. Mehta, the
illustrious father of Mrs. Pupul Jayakar, has put
it, AK was every bit "a learned antiquarian
and writer who loved to search things in
A.K. was born in Srinagar
on April 3, 1867, as the only son of Pandit Tota
Koul, an important revenue official coming from an
affluent family. A.K. "passed his childhood
and youth in easy circumstances", as his
biographical sketch in 'The Kashmiri Pandit' says.
As was common in his time in Kashmir, he had his
initial education in Sanskrit and Persian in a
Tsatahal or a traditional Kashmiri school. But
like NS, he decided to learn English and acquire
modern education.
At the age of 14, AK
became one of first Kashmiris to learn English at
an English medium missionary school opened by Rev.
Doxey in 1881. But for Doxey's first pupil, things
did not go so smoothly, for his decision to learn
English faced stiff opposition not only from his
relatives and friends but also from the Maharaja
who feared that the missionaries would convert him
to Christianity. But AK's strong will saw him
through as he progressed in his study of not only
English but also mathematics, history, geography
and other subjects which were considered as modern
those days.
It was another
missionary, Rev. Knowles, Rev. Doxey's successor
as the founder of the school, who ignited the
interest in research in history and folklore of
Kashmir in the mind of young Anand Koul. Knowles
was so impressed by AK's intellectual proclivities
that he made him the first headmaster of the
school in 1893. Soon AK found himself assisting
Knowles in writing his famous book, "Proverbs
of Kashmir", which was published in 1896.
This launched AK on his career as writer and
researcher quite early in life -- a field in which
he was eventually to make his mark.
AK's sound knowledge of
the English language landed him the plum post of
Sheriff in the office of Raja Amar Singh's Council
of Regency. Later, he did a stint in the office of
State's Census Commissioner and from there his
reputation led him to work as an assistant of Sir
C.G. Todhunter in reorganising the state's
Custom's Department. A terribly impressed
Todhunter soon gave A.K. an independent charge of
the department. But it was as President of
Srinagar Municipality, considered a top post those
days, to which he was appointed by A.K. Mitra,
Home Minister of J & K State for his
competence, efficiency and honesty, that AK's
career graph as an administrator touched the
highest point. AK worked hard to improve sanitary
conditions in Srinagar which had earned the
notoriety of being the filthiest city in Asia, and
eventually he succeeded in transforming its face.
He remained on the coveted administrative post for
three years from 1914 to 1917, retiring as the
highest-paid Kashmiri official of that time with
his prestige touching the skies.
Had AK remained content
with just his reputation as an administrator, he
could have been forgotten with the passage of
time. His fame, however, solely rests today on his
achievements as a research scholar and a writer.
His inner proclivities had always urged him to
move in that direction and fortunately for him he
did not ignore this urge. Starting as a
journalist, he worked as the special correspondent
of the 'Civil and Military Gazette' of Lahore and
the 'pioneer' of Allahabad besides his official
duties in the state, and graduated as a
full-fledged writer. He made his debut as a
historian by writing a well researched monograph
on the fifty lost kings of Kashmir about whom
Kalhana did not succeed in procuring any facts.
The monograph was published by the Asiatic Society
of Bengal in its prestigeous journal. The Society
later published in its journal another monograph
by AK on the Kapalmochan tirtha at Shopiyan in
Kashmir, establishing his credentials as a
In 1913 came AK's
'Geography of Jammu and Kashmir', a well-written
and authentic book that scored over the so-called
guide books written by European travellers giving
"wrong place-names and distorted version of
Then appeared his book on
the "Life and Sayings of Lalla -- the Shaiva
Yogini of Kashmir", which was published
earlier aerially in the Indian Antiquary -- first
the part on her "Life" and then her
"Sayings". Then came its companion
volume on the "Life and Sayings of Nund Rishi".
Like Lalleshweri the life and sayings of the saint
were serially published in the journal 'Indian
Antiquary.' Both the works showed deep and intense
Perhaps his most
important work was his book 'The Kashmiri Pandit'
which was published in 1924. Said to be the first
ever historical and sociological study of any
Indian community, the book deservingly received
widespread critical appreciation.
AK was the first Kashmiri
to have contributed in a very significant manner
to the study of his native language and its
literature. His collection and translation of
Kashmiri proverbs and riddles, which was published
in the Indian Antiquary, was indeed a pioneering
work of great importance. So are his biographical
write-ups on the saints of Kashmir like 'Rupa
Bhawani', 'Rishi Peer' and 'Manasavi Rajanaka'
which highlighted their influence on contemporary
Yet another important
work of AK was his book on "Archaeological
Remains of Kashmir." This was the result of
his personal on-the-spot study of Kashmir's
ancient monuments. As AK was not a professional
archaeologist, he was somewhat diffident to
publish the results of his study without authentic
critical opinion. So he approached C.E.A. Woldham,
an authority on the subject and a friend of Aurel
Stein, for a review. And this is what Woldham
wrote about it: "It has been a real pleasure
reading through the manuscript which discloses
such full acquaintance with the remains of Kashmir
and includes several not mentioned in other
textual books and memoirs."
AK's reputation as a
writer gave him an important place in the social
milieu of Kashmir of the times. He met Swami
Vivekananda when he visited Kashmir in 1897 and
hosted a dinner in his honour. He can be seen in
the group photograph of the great saint with
prominent Kashmiri Pandits, seated with his
imposing personality. He also gave a reception to
poet Rabindra Nath Tagore at his residence when
the poet visited Kashmir with top Kashmiri
litteratures of the time attending the reception.
Some years later, he hosted a reception in the
honour of Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru too. Tej Bahadur
Sapru held the reputed scholar of Kashmir in high
esteem. This is evident from the foreword he wrote
to AK's book on archaelogical remains of Kashmir.
Sapru's words sum up all that can be said as a
tribute to AK: "He belongs to the soil he has
lived all his life in their enchanting
surroundings the legend and tradition of Kashmir
are a part of his inherited consciousness. He may
therefore well claim the right to present to the
world the beauties of his country, its history,
its legend and its tradition in glowing terms.
Pandit Anand Kaul speaks
of the past of Kashmir, whose monuments bear
witness to past. May its past, may its natural
grandeur inspire the living generation of her sons
and daughters to prove themselves worthy of their
past and of their inspiring environments and may
it be possible for the present generation to
cultivate his noble virtues of political, civic
and economic life, without which no people,
howsoever bounteously endowed with wealth and
natural scenery can rise to greatness in the
- Monthly Newsletter of N.S.
Kashmir Research Institute