India - Pakistan and Kashmir
by M.K. Teng
There is a risk
of rep etition of what has
been reported in the
columns of the Sentinel about
the nature of the Kashmir
dispute, the state that Pakistan
has claimed in it and the
anomalous policy Indian has
followed about the future of
Jammu and Kashmir State.
However, the Hindus in
Jammu and Kashmir cannot
afford to be complacent about
the developments in the state,
the police action Pakistan
has initiated against the
Taliban and the increasing
sense of self-abnegation
which dominates the outlook
of the Indian political class
in respect of national unity.
The Indian interest in Kashmir
is overwhelmingly deep
and the future of the state is
intimately connected with
the unity of Indian the security
of the Indian frontiers
and the role of the Indian
state in the changing balances
of power in Asia.
Pakistan's Claims
Pakistan has incessantly
claimed that the unification
of Jammu and Kashmir with
Pakistan is a condition for the
completion of the process of
the partition of India. Pakistan
has claimed that the
Muslims of Jammu and
Kashmir constituting a majority
of the population of the
state, formed a part of the
Muslim nation of Pakistan.
The dispute over Kashmir,
Pakistan claimed has its
roots in the Indian denial of
the right of self-determination
the Muslims of the
Jammu and Kashmir acquired
in consequence of the
lapse of the British
Paramountcy-the authority
the British Crown exercised
over the princely state of India.
The contention of Pakistan
is deceptively simple.
Pakistan insists upon the
responsibility of India, to find
a settlement of the Kashmir
dispute, which is acceptable
to Pakistan and the Muslims
of Jammu and Kashmir.
However, the Kashmir
dispute is not a legacy of the
partition of India nor is the
Kashmir dispute a creation
of the Indian denial of the
right of self-determination
the Muslims of Jammu and
Kashmir acquired as a consequence
of the lapse of the
Paramountcy. The unification
of the erstwhile princely
state of Jammu and Kashmir
with Pakistan, never formed
a condition for the completion
of the process of the partition
of India. The partition of India
did not apply to the
princely states which were
completely insulated from its
operation on the insistence of
the Muslim League and the
British Government. There
is no basis in the claim, Pakistan
has persistently made,
that the onus of responsibility
to find a settlement of the
Kashmir dispute, which is a
accpetable to Pakistan and
the Muslims of Jammu and
Kashmir, rests on India. India
has never accepted any
responsibility to find a
of the Kashmir dispute
which is acceptable to the
Muslims in Pakistan and the
Muslims in Jammu and
Kashmir's accession to
India dispute is an inseparable
part of the Indian struggle
for freedom from the British
rule. It is a part of the
commitment of the Indian
people to preserve the unity
of the Indian nation and its
civilisational frontiers. It is
a part of the Indian commitment
to uphold the continuity
of the history of India.
Kashmir dispute in fact, the
last phase of the Indian
against the Muslims
separatists movement,
which culminated in the partition
of India in 1947. The
movement for secession in
Jammu and Kashmir which
Pakistan has been carrying
on for the last six decades, is
aimed to foist a second
paritition on India, extend
the Muslim power of Pakistan
eastwards into the
warm Himalayan uplands of
Jammu and Kashmir and
reopen the routes of invasion
into the north India across
the river Ravi.
The Indian princely states
were a part of the Indian nation.
The people of the Indian
states were always in the
forefront of the Indian struggle
for the unity of India and
its liberation from the British
rule. The insistence of the
British Government and the
Muslims League on the lapse
of the Paramountcy was
aimed to divide the princely
states from the British Indian
provinces and break up
the states to bring about the
vivisection of India. While
the partition plan was on the
anvil, Mountabatten and the
British authorities secretly
assured the Congress leaders
that after the separation of
the Muslims majority regions
of the British India was
accepted by the Congress
leaders, the unity of the
provinces of the
British Indian and the Indian
princely states would
not be allowed to be impaired.
Infact the Congress leaders
among them mainly Nehru,
expressed concern about the
princely states, which they
emphasised could not be left
out of the future political
of an independent
India. Mountabatten and the
British authorities, quietly
resiled from their commitments,
after the Congress
leaders endorsed the partition
The princely states of India
spread over one-third of
the territory of the British
Indian empire and constituted
one-fourth of the population
of India. The peoples'
movements in the states
were committed to the unity
of the people in the British
India and the Indian states
and the freedom of India including
the states from the
British colonial rule. The
creation of the Muslim homeland
of Pakistan was confined
to the partition of the
British India and left the
princely states out of its
The Muslim League advocated
the exclusion of the
princely states from the
organisation the
British India, because it
claimed the princely states
which were populated by
Muslim majorities as well as
the princely states ruled by
the Muslim rulers. Among
the princely states very few
states including Jammu and
Kashmir were populated by
Muslim majorities. The
larger number of the princely
states was populated by
Hindu majorities and among
them were the states ruled
by Muslim princes, including
Bhopal, Hyderabad and
Junagarh, which had financially
backed the Muslim
struggle for Pakistan.
The Muslim League supported
the lapse of the British
Paramountcy to provide
space for the Muslim ruled
states to remain out of India
and align themselves with
the Muslim state of Pakistan.
Both the British and the
Muslim League opposed the
right of the peoples of the
princely states to determine
their future affiliations
which the Congress leaders
frantically pleaded for. The
British and the Muslim
League were aware of the
commitment of the peoples'
movement in the states to the
freedom of India and the
unity of the states with the
British India.
The partition plan as well
as the lapse of the Paramountcy
the transfer of
power in India, envisaged did
not underline the right of
of the Muslims

in the British Indian or
the Muslims in the princely
states, including the states
where they formed a majority
of the population. The
Muslims League and the
British persistently refused
to recognise the right of
in the British
Indian provinces and the
princely states. Both the British
and the Muslim League
sought to use the princely
states, particularly the
states ruled by Muslims
Princes and the states populated
by Muslim majorities,
to Balkanise India.
Muslim League looked
upto the Muslim rulers of the
states to align themselves
with the Muslim homeland
of Paksitan. The British supported
the League in its endeavour
to bring about the
fragmentation of the India.
Muslim League looked upto
the Muslim rulers of the
states to align themselves
with the Muslims homeland
of Pakistan. The British supported
the League in its endeavour
to bring about the
fragmentation of the Indian
States, for the British were
keen to include a part of the
northern frontier of India in
the Muslim state of Pakistan
which they believed would
secure their interests in
Asia. Jammu and Kashmir,
formed the central spur of the
northern frontier of India.
The northern areas of the
North-West Frontier Province
rimmed the Dardic dependencies
of the Jammu and
Kashmir state, and the
Gilgit Agency which was fortified
by the British
The Muslim rulers of
Junagarh and Hyderabad
played their part well. But
the ruler of Jammu and
Kashmir upset in British and
the League plans. The ruler
of Junagarh acceded to Pakistan
and Hyderabad
spared no efforts to align itself
with that country.
Junagarh was located in the
midst of the Kathiawad
States, which formed a part
of the Indian Dominion.
Hyderabad was situated deep
inside south India. The subjects
of both Junagarh and
Hyderabad were predominantly
Hindu. Hari Singh,
right from the time he
turned away the Viceroy,
who flew into Srinagar,
shortly after the June 3
to prevail upon him
to come to terms with Pakistan,
acted deftly to save his
state from being used as a
pawn. Mountabatten did not
forgive the Maharaja, for
how he had sent him back to
The leaders and the cadres
of the All Jammu and
Kashmir National Conference
were in jail, when the
British quit India on 15 August
1947. They had been
closed up for a year before on
account of the "Quit Kashmir"
movement they had
launched in the spring of
1946. The National Conference
supported the Indian
struggle for freedom and was
affiliated to the All India
States People's Conference,
which spearheaded the national
movement in the
princely states. The National
Conference leaders were released
from their incarceration
after 6 September 1947,
when the Maharaja proclaimed
a general amnesty
for the National Conference
political prisoners. The National
Conference leaders,
though they demanded the
transfer of power to the people,
did not show any impatience
with the accession of
the State. Infact, after the
working Committee of the
National Conference decided
to support the accession of
the state to India in a secret
meeting, they sent emissaries
to Pakistan to open negotiations
with the League
leaders on the future of the
Dangers Ahead:
During the last six decades
of the Indian freedom,
Pakistan has maintained a
high degree of military pressure
on India, which that
country has deftly used to
perpetuate a sense of insecurity
in Jammu and Kashmir.
Pakistan has waged a religious
war against India, commencing
with the invasion of
the state in 1947 with its latest
phase unfolding in the
Jehad in 1990. Inside the
state Pakistan has used the
Muslims of Jammu and
Kashmir as a frontline of the
Jehad for the liberation of the
State from the Indian occupation.
Outside Jammu and
Kashmir, Pakistan has
alinged itself with the Anglo-
American block of powers
and joined China to form the
China-Pakistan axis in the
east, in order to confine. India
into a pincer-hold along
its northern frontier.
Pakistan is an ideological
state committed to the Islamic
order of society. The
political class of Pakistan is
committed to the unification
of the Muslim Umah into a
Muslim International. The
civil society in Pakistan,
inspite of the protestations on
the contrary, is largely
fundamentalised. Any compromise
with Pakistan on
Kashmir, contemplated by
the Government of India, will
drive India to a second partition.
Hussain Haqqani, now
Ambassador of Pakistan in
the United States, wrote in
his book, which was published
a few years ago. "Pakistan
still has an unfinished
agenda in Afghanistan and
Kashmir." The Indian political
class must take a note of
the political agenda of Pakistan.
The Muslim struggle in
India laid down the foundations
of the Muslim power of
Pakistan. Pakistan follows
the agenda of extending the
Muslim power eastwards
into the north of India, to secure
a hold on the Himalayas
and eliminate India from
any future balance of power
in Asia and as an epicentre
of the Islamic Revolution
wage a Jehad against India.
Jamait-u-Dawa is ideologically
committed to extend an
invitation to the people of
world to accept Islam. Its
in the terrorist attacks
on Bombay, must open
the eyes of the Indian
Maharaja Ranjit Singh
forged, to close the routes of
invasion into India from the
north. It was first breached,
when the Indian government
allowed the frontier regions
of Jammu and Kashmir
state, Baltistan and Gilgit, be
integrated by Pakistan into
its territories later known as
a "Northern Region". Any
changes in the configuration
of power in the frontier regions
of Kargil and Ladakh,
will eventually lead to the
demolition of the whole of the
northern frontier of India.
The warm upcountry of
Jammu and Kashmir, with
the sprawling Shivalik plains
between the river Chinab
and river Ravi, are crucial to
the security of the Himalayas.
Both Pakistan and
China have their eyes on the
Himalayas. Had India taken
the warning, the Tibetan
Delegate sounded, in the political
committee of the
United Nations General Assembly
in 1950 when Britain
and the United States let
down Tibet on the issue of its
appeal against the Chinese
invasion, the Chinese army
would not have swooped
down across the Mc Mahan
Line to occupy hundreds of
miles of the Indian border
and in 1962.
Source: Kashmir