Bombay Attack: The
After Shock
By Dr. M.K. Teng
The widespread censure to which the state government of Maharashtra as well as
the Govt. of India, the Indian intelligence
services and the police and other security
organisations, besides the politicians of all
hues, have been subjected on account of the most
nedious attack the terrorists delivered in Bombay,
appears to be a part of a well-devised exercise to
forestall an objective analysis of the terrorist
violence which has ravaged the whole country for
the last two decades. Infact the Indian political
class, has with resolute doggedness refused to
identify the jehadi content of the war of
subversion waged against this country and failed
to recognise for what it was aimed to achieve. For
reasons, which deserve to be investigated the
Indian leadership, inside the government and
outside the government, all the galaxies of
mercenaries, who partake in the patronage the
parliamentary structure of the Indian governments
offers, the assortment of the rich and
influential, who constitute the Indian middle
class, have, in invariably acted to camouflage
the objectives of the terrorist violence, the
jehadi war groups have spread in the country,
right from 1990, when the jehadi war groups,
mounted their first major assault in Jammu and
Kashmir down to the day, have did distinction in
Bombay. Strangly the blame for what the terrorists
wraught was apportioned where it did not belong.

For the massacre,
the terrorist regimes carried out in Kashmir and
the Muslim majority districts of the Jammu
province which led to the ethnic cleansing of the
entire community of the Hindus from Kashmir and
displacement of more than two-hundred thousand
Hindus from the Muslim majority districts of the
Jammu province, the blame fell every where and on
every one, except on the people, who were actually
responsible for the carnage. Blame fell on the
"Indian misrule in Kashmir"; the dilution of the
"autonomy the Muslim majority of Kashmir was
promised in return for its support to the
accession of the State to India", the economic
deprivations the Muslims in Kashmir had suffered,
and the political alienation to which they were
subjected by the Hindu minority in Kashmir, the
communalism of the Hindu majority in India, the
rigged elections and the isolation of Muslims from
the political government of the state and of
course the proverbial "foreign hand" which had
enticed away the Muslim youth and driven it to to
take up arms aganist India. Not a word, not even a
whimper was heard against the flanks of the Muslim
separatist forces, in Jammu and Kashmir, which had
spearheaded a three decade long struggle for
plebiscite and self-determination to delink the
state from India and unite it with, Pakistan.
Indeed, the leadership of the terrorist flanks
which operated in the state, came from the
generations of the Muslims which had grown under
the shadow of the movement for right of
self-determination of the Muslims in the state.
Not a word was said about the Muslim leadership in
the state, which had worked ceaselessly for the
importation of the Islamic Revolution into the
state; brought about the fundamentalisation of the
Muslim society in Kashmir as well as Jammu and
militarisation of the Muslim separatist ranks in
the state.
Not only that. The
Indian political class adopted an ostrich-like
attitude in respect of the objectives the
terrorist flanks claimed do fight for. To be fair
to the Jehadi war groups, they spelt out their
objectives in unambiguous terms and with a
conviction, which left no one in doubt. The Jehad
in Kashmir was heralded with the
war cry of Azadi liberation of Jammu and Kashmir
from the Indian hold and its unification with
Pakistan. As the terrorist regimes extended their
operations to the other parts of India they made
no secret of the initiations they harboured. The
Jehadi war groups and their supporters world over,
claim an extra-territorial right to protect the
interests of the Muslims in India and secure them
their right to reorganise their society according
to the law and precept of Islam. They sought to
enforce their right to intervene in Jammu and
Kashmir in 1990 after the Jehad triumphed in
Afghanistan. The terrorist attack on Bombay
signals their intention to enforce their right to
ensure the Muslims of India their right to realise
their Islamic destiny.
The terrorist
attack on Bombay should serve as a signal for the
Indian people to recognise the import of the
religious war, the Jehadi war groups are waging
against India for the last two decades. The
territorial aims Pakistan followed in Jammu and
Kashmir and the ideological objectives the Jehadi
war groups, are to achieve, emnate from the Muslim
commitment to use the Muslim population of Jammu
and Kashmir to foist a second partition on India
and open the way for the eastward expansion of the
Muslim power of Pakistan into the north of India
and after that is accomplished, use the Muslim
population of India break up the unity of the
The danger posed
by the war of subversion Pakistan and the Jehadi
war groups, including the Muslim terrorist regimes
in India, are waging against India, poses a
serious danger to the unity and security of India.
The Indian people must shake themselves out of
their complacency. Pakistan backs the Jehad with
its nuclear power and that country has used
nuclear blackmail as a potent instrument to
contain the Indian military capability to fight
the Jehad.
Pakistan is militarily aligned with the
Anglo-American power block. It is also a part of
the Sino-Pakistan military axis. The containment
of the military capability of India suits both the
Anglo-American power-Block as well as China. In a
way, their insistence on a settlement of the
Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan
motivated by a desire to prolong the Containment
of India. A breach in the northern frontier of
India will close all options for India to
break-out of its containment.
Source: Kashmir