Shaheed Lt
Saurabh Kalia
Pakistan displayed sheer
inhumanity when it returned the bodies of Lt
Saurabh Kalia and his five men in extremely
mutilated conditions. Conventions of war don't mean
a thing for a nation like Pakistan. In a war
where an individual life loses its meaning, dying
with dignity is probably the only hope. Dignity
is precisely what Pakistan has violated: of our
soldiers, their families and of this nation.
According to the Geneva
Convention Part 2 Article 13 (General
protection of prisoners of war), Prisoners of war
must at all times be humanely treated.Any unlawful
act or omission by the Detaining Power causing death
or seriously endangering the health of a prisoner of
war in its custody is prohibited, and will be
regarded as a serious breach of the present
In particular, no
prisoner of war may be subjected to physical
mutilation or to
medical or scientific experiments of any kind which
are not justified by the medical, dental or hospital
treatment of the prisoner concerned and carried out
in his interest. Likewise, prisoners of war must at
all times be protected, particularly against acts of
violence or intimidation and against insults and
public curiosity. Measures of reprisal against
prisoners of war are prohibited
Urging The Human Rights
Organisation to take action against Pakistan for the
torture of his son, Lieutenant Saurabh Kalia and
five other soldiers, N K Kalia wrote the following
letter. This letter reflects what the entire nation
feels and demands.
In a letter to The
Indian Express, N K Kalia writes from Palampur :
“I am the proud father of
Lt Saurabh Kalia of 4 Jat Regiment who laid down his
life while guarding the frontiers at Kargil.
“Pakistani militants
captured him and his party of five brave men from
our side of the Line of Control. They were in
captivity for over three weeks and subjected to
brutal torture as is evident from their mutilated
bodies handed over by the Pakistan Army. Our young
men did not break while undergoing unlimited
barbaric torture. This speaks volumes of their
patriotism, tenacity and valour and the whole nation
should be proud of them.
“In gross violation of
accepted norms, the Indian Army was not informed
about their Prisoner of War status and they were
subjected to unprecedented torture that violates the
Geneva Convention.
“I appeal to everyone
reading this letter to generate strong public
opinion and bring these facts to the the notice of
agencies like Amnesty International, International
Red Cross and the National Human Rights Commission
and urge them to take immediate and appropriate
action to book and punish the culprits for this
ghastly act. This would be true homage to these
brave soldiers of India.”
N K Kalia may be contacted at:
Saurabh Nagar, Palampur
(HP) – 176061
Phone: 0184-32065.
Courtesy: The India Today