Islamic Fundamentalism
in Kashmir
by O. N. Trisal
crisis in Kashmir has a complicated matrix. There are several aspects to
this crisis. I am going to state only some aspects of it, especially the
menacing rise of Islamic fundamentalism to disorient the minds of Kashmiri
Muslims as a pre-requisite for Pakistan to launch the present armed onslaught
or what is known as its proxy war in Kashmir. The violent onslaught launched
by the Pakistan- backed terrorists in Kashmir has been claiming more and
more innocent victims as their bloody drive stretches on, leaving behind
a trail of death and destruction.
Unprecedented in the
history of the Valley, the violent Pakistan-backed campaign triggered off
a massive migration of Kashmiri Pandits to the places of safety. According
to official estimates over 300,000 people have abandoned their homes in
the Valley and sought refuge in Jammu, Chandigar, Delhi, Lucknow and other
places. About ninety percent of those who bid farewell to their homes are
from the minority Kashmiri Pandits.
The Islamic terrorists
in Kashmir.
Pathetic and heart rending
is the story of Kashmiri Pandits from the rural belt of the Valley, most
of whom had to flew in the darkness of the night to escape the ever vigilant
eyes of the blood thirsty terrorists. It was a heart rending scene to watch
women and children, old and the infirm, stretching along the Srinagar,
Jammu National Highway as the Pandits from the villages in South Kashmir
began their hazardous journey, away from the clutches of the terrorists.
Dazed and aghast at the sudden change of fortunes and tears rolling down
their cheeks, they had a last look at "MAUJ KASHMIR" (mother Kashmir) and
bowed in reverence to her as the Valley slipped away from their gaze at
the Jammu tunnel. History has subjected Kashmiri Pandits to severe tests
and taught them to bear their lot with patience and fortitude. Deeply religious
though, the Kashmiri Pandits have never retaliated violence with violence.
Utterly tolerant and liberal towards people of other faiths, there hardly
is an instance in the history of the community when the Pandits expressed
their disapproval of the religious practices of faiths in Kashmir.
To Kashmiri Pandits
the numerous holy springs, the blue mountain lakes and the silvery peaks
of the majestic mountains are sacred and important milestones of their
5000 years long ancestry during which Kashmir emerged as the "SHARDA PEETHA",
a hallowed place for the ancient learning. To be known as a Kashmiri Pandit
is not to be recognized as a person subscribing to clannish mediocrity,
but a matter of pride for those who sought over the centuries to shape
a distinct style of life by contributing to the knowledge and the learning,
despite unheard cruelty and tyranny suffered by them at the hands of cruel
rulers. The pathways through which the members of the Kashmiri Pandit community
passed six hundred years ago are mute witnesses to the sufferings the community
has undergone to preserve and uphold its distinctive style and heritage.

Seal of the Central Office
of Allah Tigers
The terrorist's intimidation:
Leave Kashmir in one
month otherwise danger to life and family. This is Last Warning.
By Order
Dist. Commander
Alarming posters, part
of the terrorists' deadly arsenal, on the walls of Kashmiri Pandit homes
and shops.
The mass exodus of Kashmiri
Pandits from the Valley in the medieval times led to a great turmoil and
finally to an uprising under General Magrey, who chased away the fanatics
from the valley. The period also witnessed a great intellectual ferment,
and a religious renaissance whose two great exponents, Nand Reshi and Lal
Ded dealt a severe blow to religious bigots and the fundamentalists. Nand
Reshi and Lal Ded beame popular ideologs of Rashi movement in the Valley,
and this proved a spiritual and cultural background for Budshah who recalled
the Kashmiri Pandits, who had self-exiled themselves from the Valley in
the face of persecution. It is this Rashi cult, based on oneness of man
and the love of fellow beings, that gave solid foundation to the secular
tradition of Kashmiris, and inspired them to effectively counter those
who sought to fan sentiments of hatred and revenge.
It needs to be emphasized
that it was this Rishi orientation of Kashmiri Psyche that made it difficult
for Pakistan to force Kashmir to capitulate to two nation theory in 1947
when they unleashed the tribal raiders to grab the Valley by force, but
in the face of solid resistance and the popular unity, their nefarious
game failed to materialize. The Pakistanis tried their hand at widespread
sabotage and subversions by recruiting mercenaries in the state. They also
launched digressive forays, the biggest one in 1965, in the hope that the
Muslims of the Valley would rise to support them. Similarly in the 1971
armed conflict, they failed to take even an inch of the state territory,
although they spared no efforts to make armed thrusts in the Valley and
elsewhere in the State.
Defeated and disappointed,
the Pakistanis hatched new conspiracies and designed a fresh blue print
of armed intervention to be spearheaded by an organization whose political
and ideological ethos was alien to Kashmiris. It was Jamat-I-Islami and
its front organizations which became the focal point especially ISI, under
whose guidance, systematic drive, buttressed by the liberal flow of Gulf
money, was launched with a view to filling the political vacuum in the
state after the demise of Sheik Mohamed Abdullah. The story how the Jamat
cadres penetrated the administration, the armed police, the intelligence
agencies, and seized the university, the professional colleges, university
affiliated colleges and schools, when known fully, would startle many for
the way treachery and blackmail was tolerated in the sensitive borders

Innocent victims
of Pakistan's Terrorism.
The Militant Pro-Pakistani
Jamat cadres were not only encouraged to preach treason, but enforce Islamization
of administration through a massive campaign of indoctrination which was
directed towards weaning away the minds of the local Muslim youths and
professional classes from the "indigenous Islamic" tradition which espoused
the tradition of brotherhood and amity. The campaign reached a crescendo,
from 1981 & 1982 onwards, when a number of "world Islamic conferences"
were held in Kashmir, one of them attended by delegates from several Islamic
countries, including the Imam of Mecca. Spearheading the campaign for secession
and for Pakistan, the Jamat skillfully utilized the presence of the religious
leaders from the Islamic countries to raise their own prestige and thus
emerge as a potential Pro-pak force in the Valley.
The rise of the Jamat
in the State did not merely signify the failure of the secular forces to
combat a menacing growth in the polity of the sensitive border state, it
formed the key elements in the plans formulated by the late Pakistani dictator,
General Zia-Ul-Haq through controlled insurgency in the State. In 1988,
when the late Pakistani dictator's conspiracy against the country unfolded
in the shape of widespread bomb blasts, killings and destruction of property
in the State, the country gradually became aware of the diabolical plans
Pakistan had forced by hiring hundreds of Jamat-I-Islami controlled Muslim
youth. They were taken to training camps in Pakistan and Pakistan occupied
Kashmir to be used as pawns in the proxy war against India.
Though Jamat has succeeded
in spreading its organizational tentacles in all the corners of the State,
it has not emerged as an organization with mass appeal. Despite its formidable
network of over 600 study circles, units, hundreds of schools, and mosque
committees, a lingering suspicion lurked in the minds of the Muslims, that
the organization was preaching a variety of Islam which was alien to the
religious ethos of Islam known to the Kashmiri majority of whom were "Ahali
Itqad" and venerated saints, peers and reshis in common with their Hindu
To overcome this vital
shortcoming, the Jamat leaders and activists at the instance of their Pakistani
patrons resorted to a campaign of witch-hunt against secular minded muslims
and staunch nationalists. As a part of the campaign, they virtually ransacked
libraries in the educational institutions, and ordered ban on books which
did not correspond to their brand of knowledge about man and his world.
In Kashmir University, the library was pruned and more than 2,000 books
which included all the books on Hindu philosophy, Milton's "Paradise Lost"
and George Bernard Shaw's plays, and books by many other world renowned
writers were thrown out, in the true Nazi style. As part of Islamisation
campaign, the Jamat hoodlums also forcibly converted Kashmir University's
Canteen Hall into a mosque. Similar things happened in the prestigious
Institute of Medical Science, the Medical College and Teachers Training
Colleges in the Valley, where Jamat affiliated teachers forced closure
of classes where Darwin's Theory of Evolution was tought to the students
on the plea that it did not conform to Islamic tenets.
This witch-hunt campaign
however did not pay the desired results, as it failed to project the Jamat
as a mass organization to whose appeal vast sections of people could respond
in spontaneous manner. This serious lacuna in the strategy of Pakistan
was sought to be overcome through other well thought out terror campaigns
directed mainly against the members of the minority Kashmiri Hindu community.
The terror campaign began with day light raids on wine shops, which were
mostly owned by non-Muslims. In these drives, goods worth several corores
of Rupees were destroyed as many of the wine shops were bombed and the
owners subjected to attacks with nobody to defend them. The terror campaign
stepped up further with the sudden appearance of "KLASHNIKOV" wielding
youth who struck at innocent persons and mercilessly killed them. Anyone
found voicing disapproval of the killings was a "MUKBIR" (informer) and
therefore, silenced with the fire from the automatic weapons. The "KLASHNIKOVS"
were liberally provided to militants by Pakistan along with the training
in their use.
Initial reaction to
the series of killings by the Pakistan trained terrorists was one of disbelief
and shock as most of the victims were cadres of parties with a proven record
of nationalism. First among the Muslims, to pay with his life for his secular
convictions, was Mr. Mohammad Yusuf Halwai of the NaLional Conference.
He was gunned down in broad day light shortly after the assassination of
Shri Tika Lal Taploo, a Hindu community leader, who endeared himself to
the Hindus as well as to the Muslims, not because of the political views
to which he subscribed, but because of the missionary zeal with which he
served the poor, no matter whether a Hindu or a Muslim.
Taploo's death though
shocking, spread a wave of anger among the Kashmiri Hindus as also a number
of Muslims. It was followed by the killing nf another prominent Kashmiri Pandit, a retired Judge, Pt. Nila Kanth
Ganjoo, who had ordered the hanging
of Maqbool Bhatt for having killed a police inspector in a border township
of theValley, after infiltrating into Kashmir from Pakistan. The gunning
down of Taploo and Ganjoo was sought to be overlooked as Jammu and Kashmir
Liberation Front came out with assurances that the two victims had been
punished for reasons other than that they were Hindus.
The JKLF also pledged
that they were for secular polity and were opposed to harming Hindus. But
they were apparently overlooked by Pakistan and Jamat-i-Islami for whom
the fundamentalist ideological disorientation of the Muslims of the Valley
was of primary importance for their plans. From May 1990, the ISI changed
the strategy wholesale, dumping the JKLF to the dust bin, for they were
not swift to starting a campaign against secular minded leaders and members
of Kashmiri Hindu minority in the Valley. From June onwards as the JKLF
commanders fell in the hands of security forces, the ISI hastily changed
the command structure of the terrorists, assigning the leading roles to
the fanatic Hizbe Mujahideen, Al-Umar and Allah-Tigers, outfits who had
been indoctrinated with blind hatred of kafir (lnfidel), mainly Kashmiri
Hindus, and secular parties and individuals.
The Hizbe reign of terror
was merciless, barbaric to the extreme. It was aimed at silencing secular
minded and peace loving Muslims, many of whom were gunned down along with
innocent Kashmiri Hindus. First to fall to terrorists guns was youthful
Mir Mustafa a popular politician, who had always secular beliefs and was
working for a compromise with an important segment of the terrorists, when
the Hizbe militant kidnapped him and subsequently killed him in the most
barbaric manner. Maulana Mohd Syed Masoodi, renowned Muslin scholar and
a veteran freedom fighter, met a similar fate at the hands of the terrorists.
Other prominent Muslim leaders and intellectuals killed included the well
known Commulnist leader AhduI Sattar Ranjoor, Gulam Nabi Kullar, Bashir
Ahmed Nengroo, Sheik Mashoor, and Mohmmad Shafi, all former legislators
and prominent national conference/congress leaders who were among the thousands
of silent citizens, opposed to the ways of terrorists. The ongoing barbarism
claimed such innocent yet precious lives like Dr. Mushir UI-Hukh (Vice
Chancellor, Kashmir University) Abdul Ghani, his P. A., and such Hindus
as H. L. Khera, General Manager of H.M.T. factory, Sarvanand Kaul "Premi"
a well known poet and B. K. Ganjoo Telecom Engineer, Lassa Koul, Director
Doordarshan, Prem Nath Bhat an advocate, P. N. Handoo Assistant Director
Information, J. N. Raina Joint Director Sariculture, A. K. Raina Deputy
Director Food and Supplies, D. N. Chowdry Manager Cement Factory, Naven Sapru, Telephone Inspector, A. K. Safaya Branch Manager J&K Bank. One
Kumari Girja, another Hindu, was raped and sliced to pieces on bandsaw.
Sarla Bhat, Prana Ganjoo and Sumitra were shot dead by the terrorists in
the most barbaric manner.
The Assassination of
prominent leaders subscribing to secular ideals was a warning to the members
of the Minority community, which is sought to be obliterated through a
genocidal drive. The liquidation and the uprooting of this historic community
from their ancestral homeland appears to be a vital link in the chain of
steps. Pakistan and its armed mercenaries are taking in the State. Nearly
two and a half lakh Kashmiri Hindus are on a forced exile, compelled to
live in ghettos comprising of tattered tents and stinking community centers.
More than 50,000 such families have been registered at Jammu and about
8,000 in Delhi. Not only that, more than 1,000 Kashmiri Hindus have been
tortured to death by the fundamentalist terrorists. More than 4,300 houses
of Kashmiri Hindus have been gutted and thousands of houses looted; educational
institutions owned by the Hindus have been burnt, blasted or occupied and
Refugee camps in
Pakistan rulers realize
that as long as Kashmiri Hindus even though minuscule in size stay in Kashmir,
their dream of full Islamisation of Kashmir will remain unrealized. And
as long as the drive for Ismalisation does not remain the chief political
and ideological objective, it would be difficult to mortgage the psyche
of Kashmiri Muslims who continues to be suspicious about the designs of
Pakistan. It is because of this that the Pakistan backed terrorists are
ruthlessly executing their plans of liquidating innocent and defenseless
Kashmiri Pandits with the barbarity that would put to shame the blackest
deeds of Halaku or Changez. The incomplete figures of assassination of
Kashmiris by the terrorists yield to a common pattern. The victims were
often chosen with the objective of spreading greater terror. The men and
women gunned down were either intellectuals or people well known for their
public activities.
A Kashmir without Hindus
whatever their numbers, would be a Theocracy ripe for the Fundamentalists
to establish their command post for the future forays into very heart of
India, Let it not lull our compatriots into complacence of any sort. The
nation has already paid very heavily for one partition. Let there be no
repetition. The Kashmiri Hindus, in particular have abiding faith in the
secular foundations of the Indian Society and they firmly believe that
not only their religion, culture and way of life but that of Kashmiri Muslims
also is quite safe in India. The Fundamentalists, who wield the power of
the gun, should not be allowed to dislodge the Kashmiri Hindus from their
birth place.