
two kilometres away from the historical and
picturesque town of Achhabal, on the right side of
the road to Uma Devi (Brari-Aangan), there is
the Ramakrishna Mahasammelan Ashram, which was
founded by late Swami Ashokananda, more than forty
years ago.

It is a fairly big Ashram
now, a compact complex of some buildings and a
small temple, dedicated to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,
at the foot of the wooded Achhabal hills. The
Samadhi of Swami Ashokananda is within the
precincts of the Ashram.
Ashokananda as I Knew
was born in a poor Mukherjee Brahmin family in a
small village in Jessore district now in Bangla
Desh. When he was of three years age, hisfather
died and he was left alone with his elder brother
aged 12 and widowed mother. Being poor, they had
to live a hard life on the earnings of the lady
and her first son.
Some Reminiscences
among Kashmiri Saints was the
great mystic "seer",
Lalleshwari, popularly known as
Lal Ded (Mother Lalla), who
profoundly influenced the thought
and life of her contemporaries and
whose sayings still touch the
Kashmiri's ear, as well as the
chords of his heart, and are
freely quoted by him as maxims on
appropriate occasions.
A seeker, with his hard Endeavour evolves into higher and still higher
emergent forms. The process goes on till super mind and its higher state of
consciousness integrate and attain oneness with the all pervading Super
Consciousness. A human being, who
achieves this stage, is a saint, being Super Consciousness or Divinity itself.
Swami Ashokanand was a mystic sage of high order and belonged to this category.
He adhered to fabled way of ascetic
life roaming Himalayan forests
particularly Garhwal and other adjacent ones, naked in rain and snow defying
nature. Those who came in contact of him earlie,r
speak high of him and the miracles he could perform. Swami Ji could predict
future of individuals and of nations in whom he felt concerned .He was an
enigma and
an oceanic divinity with deep
depths. Only some who were blessed got their pitchers filled with happiness and
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